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No further hairloss for 5 years. Is FUE for me?

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approximately 6 years ago, my hairline receded into nw2 (which is a guess) it may be nw3, im not sure, as its not THAT bad. but bad enough for me to be having issues.


anyway this was quite a rapid thing, almost as if one minute the hairline was there, and the next it was gone !


and for approx 5 years now it has just stayed the same, it has not gone back any further at all, and i actually get the impression my hair in general has got thicker! (or so my hair dresser tells me) this may be down to the caffeine shampoo (alpecin) i have been using for many years.


i am 28 now, and really getting fed up with the hair line. i tried propecia along with minoxidil 12% for 6 months and it make no difference at all, so i gave up with that rather than wasting more money. (this was from the belgravia centre in london)


i am wondering if FUE will be the answer to my prayers, and how much it matters which clinic you go to? as the quotes between clinics seem bizarre, for example one in harley street charges ?8.000 for a procedure which ''the hair transplant clinic'' Hair Transplant UK | FUE Hair London | Female Loss Treatments Clinic seems to charge around ?2.500 for.




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  • Senior Member

Research mate , use this board and others . There's loads of approved Dr's on here around Europe and indeed the World . You really have to do your homework to make sure you don't go wrong , look at both patient reviews and clinics examples. Reach out to some of the trusted reps on here like Garageland and Spex before you rush into anything. By the way at 28 i wouldn't advise H/T without meds , i was your age first time around and after a year or two lost more ground .

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  • Regular Member
Research mate , use this board and others . There's loads of approved Dr's on here around Europe and indeed the World . You really have to do your homework to make sure you don't go wrong , look at both patient reviews and clinics examples. Reach out to some of the trusted reps on here like Garageland and Spex before you rush into anything. By the way at 28 i wouldn't advise H/T without meds , i was your age first time around and after a year or two lost more ground .


you are right, though i am also confused by the whole issue of where the hair loss is inherited from? i always hear its the mothers line. if true that would make sense, as my grandfather had the same hairline as me all the way through to his 80s judging by the pictures of him.

my uncle is in his 50s and also appears to have the same hairline.

my brother also had the problem with the hairline when he was in his 20s. though he now has long flowing 'rockstar' hair, so its not noticeable at all, but it clearly has not gone back any further and he is in his 30s.


i dont know whether its wise to think i will follow the same pattern as them :confused:

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