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Scheduled a HT with Dr. Gabel


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Well I finally went in for a consultation with Dr. Gabel. I have been putting it off now for approximately five years. I'm sick and tired of looking at other men's hairlines. I knew I had to do something when I was looking at others shaved heads, wishing I had a head that would look good shaved (which I don't). I am in my early 40's and have noticed hair loss for ten years now. Also I have no history of hair loss in my family.:confused: I have been using Rogain on and off for about eight years. My head has been getting by with Toppik and hats for some time. Not going to cut it anymore. I'm tired of buying hats also. When I arrived at Gabel's office, it was a pleasant visit. Things were explained, and my questions were answered. When I talked to Dr. Gabel I really got the feeling I was making the right decision. He claims I will be very happy, and I am a good candidate for a 2500-3500 FUT. I am fortunate to be in a position in life where I can finally afford it, so I called the next morning and pulled the trigger..... Appointment made! The surgery will be in early November. How will it turn out? My hair was so thick when I was young I could hardly run my fingers through it. Now my hair is sparse on top. The sides and back are still thick. My hair tends to be rather course. I hope this is in my favor for coverage. Also to hide the scar. My spirits are high (maybe too high). I've already lost twenty pounds since the appointment just because I don't want to give up on the way I look. I owe it to myself and to my wife. Kind of a new lease on life so to speak. :D Let the journey begin! I included some self shots (not easy I might add). The third one is with Toppik and combed normal. The last one is when I was twenty. Oh ya, those were the days. :cool: I figure the only ones looking at these shots are in the same boat I am. Other patients before me have helped by sharing photos. I feel if I can help make decisions for others, I will do my part.





Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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  • Senior Member
Very good....keep up the weight loss, if I am not mistaken, more loose skin = more laxity. :)


Is it fair to say you have no crown thinning?

The balding hairline in the picture is it. Goes from sparse to thick hair. No gradual thinning. When I lose weight, I tend to lose fat faster than my skin can keep up. I tend to go crazy until the weight comes off. I figured I better slow down and try to keep my diet healthy for the surgery.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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  • Senior Member
Squatch, with your strong donor supply you're in for a real treat. Speaking from personal experience, Dr. Gabel is an outstanding surgeon and a true artist artist at reconstructing front hair lines. Good luck and happy growing!

Thanks. I have already checked some of your pictures. Very nice! I'm glad you shared. Made my decision a lot easier.

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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  • Senior Member

congrats and best of luck, it does seem that when you pull the trigger to undergo a HT, other things in your life sort of fall into place, I too decided to eat healthier, exercise, etc. It is for some of us a procedure that sets us back on the path we always should have been on .. I like to say! Best wishes.

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