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Eyebrow Transplant--best surgeons?

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Hi Everyone,

I'm very interested in pursuing eyebrow transplantation. I'm my own victim of over tweezing since my teens and now in my mid 40's have very very sparse eyebrows, essentially no eyebrow on the right. I can't leave the house nor go to the gym without a hat or completely drawn in brows, which of course take half an hour to create and very obviously look fake! I've considered tattoos but since I'm deathly allergic to nickel that's not an option as evidently all the dyes have some form of nickel.


The more I research eyebrow transplantation, the more it becomes an attractive option. However, I'm having an incredibly difficult time trying to sort out which physicians are actually skilled both technically as well as aesthetically in this procedure, and who are just really good at marketing themselves! The name that keeps popping up on the internet is Dr. Jeffrey Epstein but I've read very mixed reviews about him on this site/forum. The other name is Dr. Marc Dauer in LA but there are very few pics in his online portfolio.


I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Dr.Epstein and eyebrow transplantation. OR if folks could recommend other docs I should be considering for this procedure!


Thanks so much in advance!

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I've just posted a blog with pics from my eyebrow transplant session with Dr Devroye in Brussels. He gave me a very natural look (I'm 50) and I started with almost no eyebrows left. You will have to trim and brush then to get them looking their best, but I really like the result he's given me. I'll post more about it on my blog here:

Eyebrow transplant FUE with Dr. Devroye, 1 year on

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  • Senior Member

Hi Hopes,


Eyebrow transplantation is a delicate procedure. As I'm sure you're now well aware, you must conduct thorough research and consult with several physicians before "taking the plunge." I invite you to take a look at some of our recommended hair restoration physicians. Many showcase eyebrow restoration cases on their websites. Let me know if you have questions about a particular doctor.


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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