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Not sure if its cobble stoning?

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I had a procedure done around 9 months ago and the on one side there is no visible signs where the grafts were implanted, the skin is completely flat and flush with my surrounding skin. However, on the other temple there are small white colored bumps where the new hairs are growing out of. They are not overly obvious but are visible when looking at it from the right angle. The side without any bumps is the side that grew in quicker so I'm wondering maybe the slightly bumpy side is still healing? Is it normal for the skin to still be slightly raised or am I looking at having a dreaded cobble stoning situation?? Thanks for the help.

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You should have this looked at by your HT surgeon or a dermatologist because it may very well be folliculitis and not cobble stoning.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hi. Can you post a photo by chance? When did the bumps begin to show? How much inflammation or discomfort are you experiencing? How many grafts did you have transplanted? With the exception of the skin condition, do the results look natural-looking? Thanks for sharing your concerns. We look forward to your response!

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member


Hi. Can you post a photo by chance? When did the bumps begin to show? How much inflammation or discomfort are you experiencing? How many grafts did you have transplanted? With the exception of the skin condition, do the results look natural-looking? Thanks for sharing your concerns. We look forward to your response!


Apologies, mate. I'm not the OP


The answer I gave was intended to be slightly sarcastic because I couldn't understand for the life of me how the guy expected anyone to provide an informed opinion if he didn't provide PICTURES.


I mean, it's a no-brainer, isn't it?

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