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HT discrepancy between doctors.

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I consulted a HT doctor in India and he recommended to go for 2000 FUE grafts.Exactly few months i consulted dr ****** ******,the attendant at dr ****** ****** recommended me 700 grafts.I am really confused by such a difference in recommended hair grafts by both the HT doctors.

I Have few questions:

Shall i go for crown hair transplant now

what should be the approximate grafts required.

how much density should i look for now because i need donor hairs for my future transplants.

I have attached pics of reference.

Can attach more pics if required.


P.S :Currently i am not taking any medicines such as finasteride,minoxidil etc.






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  • Senior Member

filling in a crown is notorious for requiring a ton of grafts. 2000+ is more like it i don't think 700 would do much at all for that much of a bald spot. How old are you though? If your young and it's already this bad you might have some severe loss in the future.


What 2 doctors did you contact?

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filling in a crown is notorious for requiring a ton of grafts. 2000+ is more like it i don't think 700 would do much at all for that much of a bald spot. How old are you though? If your young and it's already this bad you might have some severe loss in the future.


What 2 doctors did you contact?


I am 27 as of now.

I dropped my plan for HT and will be going for session of PRP therapy along with 1mg finasteride every alternate day and multivitamins.

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  • Senior Member

Probably a good idea. You are likely to need more grafts than you had. 700 is a joke and 2000 would be too few to make must people happy.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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