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Noob, not even sure where to begin :(

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Hi all, im 35 and seriously depressed about my quickly diminishing hairline. Ive tried rogaine and minoxdil 5%, Nizoral, thickening shampoos... the lot. Some have slowed down the loss but im now on the last peace of self esteem. I need to take a more drastic action, my face and features were seriously not built for a skin head :(


So ive decided to bite the bullet and look for a HT. Ive done a bit of research and would like to look into having FUE treatment.






So as you can see im going back quite a bit at the front and now the crown seems to be heading the same way. My hair is very fine and thin now and you can see my scalp quite easily.


Im looking to get an idea of cost and to do that i need to know a rough number of follicles im going to need. Would anyone be able to say by looking at the pics above?


I have free consulatations booked in with Vinci London and uk hair transplant clinics. I have seen some of there work so interested to pay them a visit to see what they have to say.


Pretty nervous but glad ive got it off my chest and decided to take the plunge.

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  • Senior Member

Well thank god you found this site! Forget about those Mickey Mouse clinics you mention. By all means go for the free consultations but under no circumstances book, no matter how good the 'offers' are.


I'd recommend contacting Mick from Farjo and arranging to meet him on Harley Street (Google 'Mick McHugh Farjo'). He will tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.


I'm sure he would tell you to try Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) and see how you get on for a period of months to see if you regrow hair or at least stop losing it. Without it, unless you are wealthy, you can't be going back every couple of years for further HT's to address further hairloss. Not at GBP10,000 a pop.


Looking at your pictures I'd say 2500-3000 grafts might sort out the frontal third should you eventually get a transplant. I think that could be in the region of GBP6,000-12,000 depending on which clinic.


Unless finasteride works for you I would forget about the crown. I've seen much worse and you're still young and losing hair in the midscalp area. The crown is the last area to be worried about.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thanks for the reply Matt.


I must admit, the uk hair transplant clinic website doesnt look the most professional so wasnt sure how legit it was. They look like they have some quite high profile patients though and the galleries look half decent.


Vinci looks a lot more profesional but obviously not judging how good a HT is by the way the website is designed!


The reason i looked at these two was they offered finance packages, im not exactly flush and dont think i will ever really be in a position to fork out the entire cash lump sum in one hit so was looking for some kind of payment plan. I dont want this to be deciding factor (the quality of HT will always come first) but will certainly help.


I have a free consulation with them both over the next two weeks so will go and see what the have to say. Ive not seen any horror stories i must admit so will at least give them a go to see what they have to say.

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