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Transplanted Hair Has Not Shed after Surgery

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I had my ht in the last week of feb 2014 with 2450 graft transplanted on my frontal area. My doc had told me that the transplanted hair will fall within two months and new growth will start by the 3rd month. But its been more than 3 months and the transplanted hair havenot fallen. I am very worried pls advice

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  • Senior Member

Are the grafts still growing? If they are then you're just one of the lucky people who don't shed, something like 5% of patients keep a reasonable amount of the grafts.

Only reason to worry would be if they were all dead and just sitting in your scalp still.

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  • Senior Member

The same thing happened to me. I was concerned at about 3.5months and before I knew it at 4 months, those same hairs were actually growing. The same may be happening to you. Good luck and keep us posted



1st HT 1973 FUT's with Dr.Robert Mcclellan 6/28/2007

*unfortunately I have no info on hair count on my 1st surgery ..


2nd HT 3026 FUT's with Dr. Bernadino Arocha 1/9/2014


1's - 797

2's - 3700

3's - 246

5634 hairs



3026 FUTs 1 day HT#2 post op frontal picture

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  • Senior Member

In most cases the transplant hair will start to shed +/- 10 days after a procedure and continue to shed up to about 30 days after a procedure. In some case they might continue to still shed after 30 days. For some reason in a small percentages of cases the hairs do not shed but that is not the norm. Hair will grow at a rate of approximately 1/2" per month. If the transplanted hairs are at least an 1" long than most likely they never fell out. If they are very short than they most likely are the transplanted hairs starting to grow back.

I am employed as the patient coordinator and office manager for Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic. Feel free to ask me any questions.


Dr. Panine is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be interperted as medical advice

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