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FUE HT inquiry! Help!


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Hey guys,


I have been reading & researching for the past 6 months and I have finally made up my mind thanks to this community, that I will go for a FUE in Istanbul with Dr. Erdogan who uses a manual FUE which in my opinion has more pros than cons & I usually transit through Istanbul & he's recommended on this site so it's my best choice.

I have brown hair & as you can see in the attached pics, I'm not bald yet. I can live with my current hair but the problem is i hate to go out on rainy / windy days or go for a swim. If my hair gets wet or there's a strong wind then I look bald and i would go to the nearest toilet to check in the mirror how's my hair. Really troublesome. And i'm a really sweaty guy in the summer. I don't have very high expectations to have a full head of hair, but just enough hair that I will be comfortable with & not to carry a comb all the time to fix my hair

Anyway, here are some of my questions:

1) What is the maximum grafts that can be extracted in 1 day / session for FUE? I would not like to go for 2 days in a row.

2) I can take 30-60 days off work & I'll follow up my work from online but no more than 60 days. Most probably 45 days off to visit & hide at my parents' home. I researched a lot online and different users had different results after 45-60 days. But my question is for the general population, how does the hair look like in 30 days, 45 & 60 days for the front & top head after an HT. Because that's the time I will get back to work & wearing a hat is not an option. If someone can post pics for those days "30, 45 & 60 "?

3) I don't mind if I'm a slower hair grower, but I just care about the period it takes for my current hair to grow back. How many months you guys think it will take for my hair to look the same as in the photos I attached?



Thanks in advance for this community.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
Hey guys,


I have been reading & researching for the past 6 months and I have finally made up my mind thanks to this community, that I will go for a FUE in Istanbul with Dr. Erdogan who uses a manual FUE which in my opinion has more pros than cons & I usually transit through Istanbul & he's recommended on this site so it's my best choice.

I have brown hair & as you can see in the attached pics, I'm not bald yet. I can live with my current hair but the problem is i hate to go out on rainy / windy days or go for a swim. If my hair gets wet or there's a strong wind then I look bald and i would go to the nearest toilet to check in the mirror how's my hair. Really troublesome. And i'm a really sweaty guy in the summer. I don't have very high expectations to have a full head of hair, but just enough hair that I will be comfortable with & not to carry a comb all the time to fix my hair

Anyway, here are some of my questions:

1) What is the maximum grafts that can be extracted in 1 day / session for FUE? I would not like to go for 2 days in a row.

2) I can take 30-60 days off work & I'll follow up my work from online but no more than 60 days. Most probably 45 days off to visit & hide at my parents' home. I researched a lot online and different users had different results after 45-60 days. But my question is for the general population, how does the hair look like in 30 days, 45 & 60 days for the front & top head after an HT. Because that's the time I will get back to work & wearing a hat is not an option. If someone can post pics for those days "30, 45 & 60 "?

3) I don't mind if I'm a slower hair grower, but I just care about the period it takes for my current hair to grow back. How many months you guys think it will take for my hair to look the same as in the photos I attached?



Thanks in advance for this community.


Hi tim4d


With regards to your questions;


1, I don't know the maximum grafts that can be extracted on one day. It all depends on the quality of the donor area, the number the surgeon is willing to extract and the expectation of the patient. FYI, I had 2,440 grafts over 2 days.


2, From completion of my transplant, healing at the donor and recipient area was about 7-12 days. (others may vary from this) I started shedding hair after about 1month. (I lost only about 50% of this).

New growth started after about 3 months and now I can say I have all the hair back that shed. I'm now 5 months post op.

Compare this to your questions and you can see that at 30 days you should start to shed all your transplanted hair, at 60, you shouldn't really see any new growth (you may be lucky)


3, As I said, its taken 5 months now for me to regrow all my transplanted hair. You may take the same or a longer time. Either way its pot luck as to when regrowth begins and results are noticeable. I'd say on average, maybe 6-12 months for the result you want.


My advice would be to cut your hair to an even shorter style than you have now- say a clipper nr 2 . The 'shock' impact wont be as prevalent if you take this step a few weeks before your HT.

This is what I feel I should have done before my HT, I kept mine long before my procedure, because I felt the need to cover my receding hairline. When I'd returned to work 3 weeks later, the number of people commenting on my 'shaved' look really started to grate after a while.


Good luck with your HT on Turkey btw :cool:

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Hair grows at approx half an inch a month, so I would say that a couple of months would be sufficient time to grow back your existing hair to a reasonable length and hide any evidence of your transplant. You're in the fortunate position of being able to stay off work for that amount of time so I'd say you'll be fine. You may even have some early growth from your transplant to complement your existing hair.


All the best whatever you decide.



I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

Hey Dave,


Thx for ur detailed reply. Appreciate it.

So u had 2440 grafts done in 2 days. I was hoping to have over 2000 grafts in just 1 day.

So u mentioned new growth started about 3rd month, but u mean your growth started at day 61 or day 90? I will get back to work at day 45 or 60 so if new growth starts early then I will be very lucky.

So it took u 150 days to grow all hair back! Man, that's a very long time. What I worry about is how I look when I get back to work on day 60 and how i will feel from that day until I look normal.

Thx for ur advice about clipping it short, I will do that. Thanks bro




Hi tim4d


With regards to your questions;


1, I don't know the maximum grafts that can be extracted on one day. It all depends on the quality of the donor area, the number the surgeon is willing to extract and the expectation of the patient. FYI, I had 2,440 grafts over 2 days.


2, From completion of my transplant, healing at the donor and recipient area was about 7-12 days. (others may vary from this) I started shedding hair after about 1month. (I lost only about 50% of this).

New growth started after about 3 months and now I can say I have all the hair back that shed. I'm now 5 months post op.

Compare this to your questions and you can see that at 30 days you should start to shed all your transplanted hair, at 60, you shouldn't really see any new growth (you may be lucky)


3, As I said, its taken 5 months now for me to regrow all my transplanted hair. You may take the same or a longer time. Either way its pot luck as to when regrowth begins and results are noticeable. I'd say on average, maybe 6-12 months for the result you want.


My advice would be to cut your hair to an even shorter style than you have now- say a clipper nr 2 . The 'shock' impact wont be as prevalent if you take this step a few weeks before your HT.

This is what I feel I should have done before my HT, I kept mine long before my procedure, because I felt the need to cover my receding hairline. When I'd returned to work 3 weeks later, the number of people commenting on my 'shaved' look really started to grate after a while.


Good luck with your HT on Turkey btw :cool:

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  • Regular Member

Hi Pete,


When I get back to work, I will have about an inch of hair on my head. I think my hair now is about 2 inches long or more. I just worry about the ugly phase to start when I get back to work & back to my life. I can hide the first 2 months but I can't hide in the 3rd & 4th month.

Thanks for ur best wishes bro







Hair grows at approx half an inch a month, so I would say that a couple of months would be sufficient time to grow back your existing hair to a reasonable length and hide any evidence of your transplant. You're in the fortunate position of being able to stay off work for that amount of time so I'd say you'll be fine. You may even have some early growth from your transplant to complement your existing hair.


All the best whatever you decide.



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I sent an email to Dr. Erdogan's clinic and I got a reply the next day. After they checked the same pics that I have posted here, the Doctor recommended 3000 grafts done in 1 day. I asked that I would only like to do 1 session HT in a day and what's his maximum per day. I guess around 3000 grafts. I'm worried of future hair loss so I don't think I should opt for 4000-6000 grafts HT. Any recommendations? Is going for 3000 grafts is enough and is a better idea so that to see where my future hair loss will reach?

His pricing was as follows:

2.5 euros per graft so that will be 7500 Euros. plus services 200 E & medications 150 E. The optional item is PRP treatment for 300 Euros. I read about PRP, there's no proven studies that it does really help but is there any side effects? Anything that might help in the HT then I'll do it but if there's risk of side effects then a big NO

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