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Dr. Radha FUE?

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I've seen many good results with doctor Radha and her FUT work, but I have only seen a couple of FUE examples for her. The first post I saw of her doing a FUE was sometime in 2011 or something so she does have at least a few years of experience with it.


I'm considering getting FUE done by Dr. Radha, but I'm not sure. I was considering Dr, Bhatti but I think his hairlines are a little unnatural looking. Her artistic skill would be similar, just the handling of the graphs and their survival is questionable.


I was also considering Dr. Dermisoy for FUE as I have seen several posts of positive experiences with him.


Any other docs in India you would recommend?

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I had this conversation with Dr.Radha regarding FUE and FUT.

I'm paraphrasing things, but she indicated it pains her and her staff to do FUE procedures because in her heart she knows that a lot more graft won't survive as compared to FUT.

Initially I was considering FUE due to the no linear scar aspect of FUE but later realised I would be severely compromising my donor area should I need a 2nd or 3rd HT procedure. For my NW5 pattern of diffuse hairloss, FUE wasn't the best HT option for me. If only I had just a NW2/3/4 receding hairloss pattern, I would've had FUE instead of FUT.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Joe,


I've seen a few examples of her FUE, and you're right: her dedication and artistic eye are clear in her FUE work as well. If you're considering FUE in Turkey (where Dr. Dermisoy practices), I highly recommend reviewing Dr. Doganay and Dr. Erdogan. Both specializing strictly in FUE and produce excellent results.


Let me know if you have any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
I had this conversation with Dr.Radha regarding FUE and FUT.

I'm paraphrasing things, but she indicated it pains her and her staff to do FUE procedures because in her heart she knows that a lot more graft won't survive as compared to FUT.

Initially I was considering FUE due to the no linear scar aspect of FUE but later realised I would be severely compromising my donor area should I need a 2nd or 3rd HT procedure. For my NW5 pattern of diffuse hairloss, FUE wasn't the best HT option for me. If only I had just a NW2/3/4 receding hairloss pattern, I would've had FUE instead of FUT.



I wonder if this is the situation for all doctors? I always hear that FUT is safer for the grafts but i wonder how much of a difference it really makes? I wouldn't want any of my donor grafts to be wasted as there is a very finite number of permanent grafts one has.

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