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Frequent Itching in Trasnplanted Area

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Hello folks/Experts,


I am 4 month post - op with FUT procedure. So far the hair growth is OK( prbly 30% have come out). I have a big concern here.


I feel real bad itchy feeling of late in transplanted area. I know its not good to scratch the area but the sense of itchiness is so bad that i keep scratching. Is it normal post op? or is there something i need to do to get rid of this ichiness?


Also i feel, in my donor area and on the sides, i have alot of dandruff. I am not sure how to minimize the dandruff levels.


Any suggestions/advises are welcomed.


Thanks and Regards,


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  • Senior Member

Hi Ash,


Does the dandruff look like large, yellow-ish, greasy flakes? Or are they smaller and white? Did you get the chance to speak with your surgeon about this?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member

Hi Blake,


Thanks for your response.


Ya the dandruff looks small and white and when i run my hand thru the transplanted area, i see some cracked up skin coming out as well.


But that itchiness is quite persistent!!!


Please do advise on how to stop/minimize it.




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  • Senior Member

Hi Ash,


At 4 months post-op all the grafts are securely anchored and you should be able to treat scalp itching and dandruff like any other individual. You may want to research anti-dandruff shampoos. Also, remember that any issue you believe is related to the transplant should be thoroughly discussed with your hair restoration physician. Following the post-operative instructions closely is very important, and you should "double check" the use of any new hair loss/scalp shampoo, salve, cream, and medication with the doctor that performed the procedure.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hi Ashwin, I just went through a bout of severe dermatitis in my donor hair. As Blake described, they were large, yellowish, greasy flakes that started out as smaller and white. I ignored it and continued with regular shampooing and it grew worse. My surgeon recommended a rotation of T/Sal, T/Gel and Nizoral and it cleared up after about a week or two and I went back to my regular shampooing. Big mistake. It came back and when I started with the T/Sal, my scalp burned and tingled for several days after.


I went and saw my dermatologist who prescribed a rotation of Ciclopirox, DHS and Nizoral (I use Regenepure Dr instead) shampoos, along with a topical application of Ciclopirox and Triamcinolone Acetonide Lotion for 3 nights. Problem immediately solved. I'm continuing with the rotation of shampoos for a month.


My scalp has never felt healthier since I have always struggled with dandruff and flaking. Consult your surgeon and a dermatologist. An in-person visit is advised. My surgeon was a little surprised by the aggressiveness of my dermatologist's approach, but he wasn't aware of any inflammation just from reviewing the pictures I sent him.


Good luck.

3,425 FUT grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Nov 2013

1,600 FUE grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Dec 2018

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@Blake and @Since21,


Thank you so much for your responses, does mean alot.


Yes i will check with my surgeon and also probably consult a dermatologist if this itchiness persists.


My case of itchiness is just a little tingling and nothing serious as in burning sensation or something. But i had developed it off late so that was a concern.


My surgeon had suggested that i use x-gain hair loss shampoo which i have been using off late. Do you guys think that might be causing the itchiness? coz previously i was using the basic J&J baby shampoo and i never had any itchiness and plus when i go out i usually put a cap. Is it OK to have a cap on when you have done through transplant recently?




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