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Suture removal after travel

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If I were to get a HT overseas, would I have to stay until the sutures are removed? I heard that it takes 7-10 days for the sutures to be removed and I'm not sure if I could stay overseas that long.


Also, when is the best time to remove the sutures? I'm guessing that the longer that they are in, the more likely the scar would look better as the cut would be more stable and less likely to stretch. I wouldn't want to make the doctor remove the sutures too early just because I need to get back home.


Could my general physician remove the sutures? Does it matter that he isn't a ht surgeon? Would it just be better for me to remove the sutures with my ht doctor?


If anyone has used a local doctor to remove the sutures after returning home, how did it turn out and how much did it cost? Thanks

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If you go to your local emergency room and tell them you were in a coma for 10 days following a kidnapping where the kidnappers removed part of your brain against your will, I'll bet they would do it for free.


Seriously (I like to have fun here , too) your local GP. would most likely be able to remove the sutures without any complications. I was actually given a suture removal kit and my wife did it 12 days post-op. I could have gone back but it I kept the closure clean per my post-op instructions and there was no concern whatsoever.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


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