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2 transplants later and I'm gutted with the results

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Being going bald since my early 20's.

In April 2012 I had my first HT procedure.

Had 3050 grafts placed in the hairline and middle part of my head, with a small amount placed in my crown.

The result was poor with the left side showing better results than the right.

The company I went with agreed to put in an additional 1000 grafts for free after examining the final result.

I payed for an additional 1200 grafts to be put in during the same procedure.

I am 3 weeks away from reaching the 12 month stage and I am devastated with the outcome.

The hair is weak, patchy and grows straight up.

IMO - it does not resemble a natural head of hair

I have attached pictures taken 11.5 months after the 2nd transplant.

Perhaps I have been expecting too much and the results are what you would expect from 4200 grafts so I would greatly appreciate feedback on the result and whether it has been as unsuccessful as I believe.


Pictures are on my page and thank you in advance for your help .






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  • Senior Member

it's an okay result,if you had no hair at all,but it's nothing spectacular,you laid the foundation now you need another 3000 grafts to add density.also it will continue maturing till 18 months,so it should get thicker.

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  • Senior Member
Being going bald since my early 20's.

In April 2012 I had my first HT procedure.

Had 3050 grafts placed in the hairline and middle part of my head, with a small amount placed in my crown.

The result was poor with the left side showing better results than the right.

The company I went with agreed to put in an additional 1000 grafts for free after examining the final result.

I payed for an additional 1200 grafts to be put in during the same procedure.

I am 3 weeks away from reaching the 12 month stage and I am devastated with the outcome.

The hair is weak, patchy and grows straight up.

IMO - it does not resemble a natural head of hair

I have attached pictures taken 11.5 months after the 2nd transplant.

Perhaps I have been expecting too much and the results are what you would expect from 4200 grafts so I would greatly appreciate feedback on the result and whether it has been as unsuccessful as I believe.


Pictures are on my page and thank you in advance for your help .


I Think it is a bad result.

From all the results i have seen in here i Think that you are fully Right to expect alot more.


Who was the doc?

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  • Senior Member

This is not a great result. So he needs to get to 8k grafts for it to have density?

Having it cut short doesn't help much. He may not have another 3k in the tank. Yes there was significant hairloss pre-ops but after 5k you'd expect to see a lot more.


If you decide to go for a third op, consider other options. Can't be risking what's left of your precious donor.

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Hi and thank you for responding.

I honestly can't remember the name of the Dr - it was done by the UK hair transplant clinic in Nottingham.

The reason I went with them was that the give you a guarantee that if the yield is less than 80% they will redo their work for free.

To their credit after the first transplant they did put in another 1000 for free - though I strongly doubt 2000 took first time round.

The 2200 that was done the 2nd time have made a slight improvement - but not much.

They have also appeared on BBC 1 before and with the guarantee I felt they were a safe bet.

I see so many bald patches and random singular hairs with no friends in sight and it had me convinced that a lot of the grafts failed to take.

My hair is growing up the way so the hair is becoming slightly unmanageable.

I am having to cover it in Nanogen to even leave the house - I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't for the fact that even with it on I still have poor coverage.

Work is becoming a nightmare and my self a steam is shot.

So glad a joined this today - feels nice to finally vent my frustrations lol

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  • Senior Member

Chap, I really feel for you.


We obviously can't see your pre-op photos, but for 5k grafts you'd really expect a much better result.


If it was me, I'd now be doing research to look for a good doc who could do repair work. This forum is a good place to start that search. I'd then get a few consultations with a few shortlisted docs and see what they say can be done. It really depends on how many grafts you've got left, what coverage you can expect, how much you can/want to pay, and how much further time/trauma you feel you can give to get a result - maybe it's just worth shaving down.

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  • Regular Member

Wow that is a poor from so many grafts. why in the lords teeth did you not the research prior to your op. Not many good Ht surgeons in UK so please take time n travel as its often the best option n very little hassle.


Wish you well as its a massive challenge to get the right results.

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I honestly can't remember the name of the Dr -


That is the major issue there, you had a very intricate and highly demanding surgery performed by a doctor who was less than stellar.

HT will never give amazing density, and in order to get "good" density you really have to go with one of the very best doctors in the world, even if it means flying long distance or saving up more money.


Good news is you found the right place in this forum, depending on your donor supply you could probably have it filled in by a top doc.

I would only consider a very short list at this stage in the game, namely Konior, Hasson, Lorenzo, Bisanga etc. because you only have a limited amount of donor left.

good luck on your journey

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • Senior Member

It appears that much of your hair on top is the miniaturized native and that you have gotten a very poor yield from the grafts. Was this FUT or FUE? I agree with the suggestions of seeing either Lorenzo in Manchester or the physicians in Belgium. Hopefully you have an excellent remaining donor supply because I sense that you will need to tap into it again in order to get a satisfactory result.

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