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Need help with some questions (FUE)

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First off, I'm sorry if some questions seems dumb as I'm new to both the boards and the community in general.


My situation; I'm 29 years old, not on medication and would call myself a III on the NW scale.


I have been thinking about doing a hair transplant for a few years now and feels really confident in my decision by doing it now. I'm just a little bit lost in the HT-jungle about some certain things.


What I'm looking for is a FUE, probably about 2000-2500 grafts and someone who does hairlines really good. As I'm from Europe (Sweden) I am thinking about Turkey and Dr. Koray or Dr. Keser for the moment. They seem to be doing decent work when it comes to hairlines, and they are both using manual punch (as far as I know) which I've seen many people recommends.


What I'm unsure about is my hair quality and what expectations I realistically should have according to my situation. Is there something about my hair that I should take in consideration when going into a ht? People are talking about denticity. Whats reasonable in my case? How many grafts would you think is reasonable? This is questions I feel is hard to get honest answers from doctors at online consultations.


And lastly, is there some great clinic in Europe that does hairlines really well and that have shown great results lately. Prices below 3/3.5 euros would be awesome.


All the help and answers I could get is gold worth and thanks for reading about my situation.






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Hi Skip


You'll probably find there are as many opinions as there posters to this board.


I'd recommend searching for the user Mickey85 - his signature has some useful links to general FUE and HT stuff.


You look like a good candidate for a HT to me. Looks like you have good donor and hair characteristics (but I'm no doctor).


I'm in the same boat as you, looking for an FUE doc. Koray Erodgan is also one I'm considering. Everyone will have a different opinion - and lots of it will depend on what you're trying to achieve - but I've always liked Feriduni's hairlines. They seem the most natural to me. He's probably a bit above the 3 Euro price range, though. And most would say Lorenzo is the king of FUE - but he's more again. It really depends what you want to achieve.


Something to consider, I'd say, is how this is going to pan out long term. You really need to think about that and find a doc who's answers you're comfortable with. Hair loss is progressive and if you want to keep what you got it will probably mean going on some medication, or further HTs. I've seen a lot of the 'best' doctors operate on pretty young guys, and come up with very low hairlines. I struggle to think that's always in their long-term interests. But then this is a cosmetic procedure - and maybe they got what they wanted.

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I think an outcome like this would be realistic:




I'd really recommend at least trying the meds before commiting to anything. You appear to have a fair amount of hair worth saving.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thanks for the answers guys.


@newbie33 I am leaning towards Keser, because of his great work with hair lines. And I feel that over 3.5 euros is far above my budget. Even though the price shouldn't decide where to go.


@1978matt great result. Yes I will probably start with some medications when doing the HT and continue afterwards.


How many grafts would you say I should need to fill the marked area (see picture below), with about same density.


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  • 5 months later...

if ur goin to turkey I wud consider erodgan, doganay or demsroy. Koray is erdogan's first name not his last so its not Dr Koray its doctor Erdogan.


erdogan will be the most expensive at 3.0 euros but imo will likely yield the best results. doganay wud be a close second at 2.5 euros and demsroy 3rd at like 1.50 or 2 euros not sure exactly.


u have plenty of donor hair. I wud bring ur hairline down a little lower then u marked it. 2500 grafts shud do the trick. erdogan and doganay are known for aggressive hairlines. not so much with demsroy but he does excellent work and by far the cheapest.

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if ur goin to turkey I wud consider erodgan, doganay or demsroy. Koray is erdogan's first name not his last so its not Dr Koray its doctor Erdogan.


erdogan will be the most expensive at 3.0 euros but imo will likely yield the best results. doganay wud be a close second at 2.5 euros and demsroy 3rd at like 1.50 or 2 euros not sure exactly.


u have plenty of donor hair. I wud bring ur hairline down a little lower then u marked it. 2500 grafts shud do the trick. erdogan and doganay are known for aggressive hairlines. not so much with demsroy but he does excellent work and by far the cheapest.


Thanks for the input.


I have already booked a HT with Dr. Keser though and I am 100% he will do it really good. I think he's even better when it comes to hairlines aswell, and that it's worth it even though he's more expensive than the other ones you mentioned.


I got one question though. I have a bit of hair loss on the sides of my fore head. Is it possible to fill it with grafts with a good result? I haven't seen many HT on the side.

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kesser is great. can't go wrong there. u don't need 5000 grafts so paying a little more isn't that big a deal and yes his hairlines are excellent.


sure u can place grafts on the side. a good HT surgeon like kesser will be able to do that without shock loss. GL


Thanks for the input.


I have already booked a HT with Dr. Keser though and I am 100% he will do it really good. I think he's even better when it comes to hairlines aswell, and that it's worth it even though he's more expensive than the other ones you mentioned.


I got one question though. I have a bit of hair loss on the sides of my fore head. Is it possible to fill it with grafts with a good result? I haven't seen many HT on the side.

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