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I had a hair transplant about 4-5 years ago at the Hospital Group in Birmingham UK (as I am originally from the UK)

This was the procedure where a large scar is left at the back of my head.

I am now considering FUE treatment as I really don't want another large scar.

I have the typical 'horse shoe' frontal hairline which is thinning as well as thinning throughout my head towards the crown of my head.

I'm 37 years old, looking back at photos of myself during my early to mid 20's, I had a more 'straight' hairline, one which I'm keen to have again. The surgeon who performed the operation (his name escapes me now) said that no one has a 'straight hairline' even after I'd mentioned names of people in the media/tv etc.

One side of my hairline is further up than the other & over all, I don't feel I had the best operation. I guess being my first time, I was led by what they said as apposed to what I actually wanted.

I'm considering another operation but I'm drawn to Turkey or Thailand simply because of costs of the treatment compared to the UK or here in America.

Can anyone please advise me on recommended clinics for either Turkey or Thailand please? I know they say, 'third time lucky' but I'd ideally like my second time to be lucky.

Thank you all in advance.

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Welcome to the community. I wanted to comment on a few things and provide you with resources to help you move forward:


First, hairline asymmetry is normal. In general, creating a completely "straight" hairline - especially in patients with high Norwood patterns - can result in an unnatural appearance. While I wouldn't judge your hairline recreation based upon a description alone, I don't want you to go into a second procedure with unrealistic expectations.


Second, make sure you consult with trusted physicians. You may not be a good candidate for FUE - or hair transplantation in general - and I wouldn't want you to undergo another unsatisfactory procedure.


Third, in Turkey, I highly recommend consulting with Dr. Doganay and Dr. Erdogan. Both of these physicians are highly ethical and FUE experts, and I think they could provide an accurate assessment and very helpful advice.


I hope this helps! Please, feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks for the reply Blake.


I still have around 70% of my hair on my head but it is becoming thinner & lifeless. I'm certainly not bald now, more general thinning of the hair.


Thanks for the recommendations of the two Dr's. With so many clinics etc & a different array of prices, it's a little difficult to figure out which would be best. I don't mind paying a good price for a decent procedure but at the same time, I don't want to be paying over the odds either.

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Erdogan!! IMO best results for the money and even if he was expensive which he isn't, in the top 3 fue guys out there for naturalness and yield!!! But everyone has different views so spend a lot of time researching and make a decision based on your own judgment!! Good luck with it all!!

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  • Senior Member

I would seriously consider Blake's advices!

Paulygon is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi


My regimen includes:

HT #1 2710 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2012

Rogaine foam 2x daily, since 2012 (stopped ~10/2015)

Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012 (stopped ~12/2015)


HT #2 3238 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in Jun. 2016

Started Rogaine and Propecia in July. 2016 after being off of them for about a year.

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