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Will Minix alone suffice or finasteride also needed?


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  • Regular Member

Hello Folks and Experts,


I have had my first HT on Jan 6th and have been under medication prescribed by my doc.


I wanted to know what's the role of these 2 in terms of hair loss treatment. Could one suffice without the other?


I mean, if i just be on minix 5 and not use finasteride, will that help me in any way?


The reason for me to ask is, i have been reading alot of articles on finasteride causing alot of side effects one of them being sexual impotency, I just wanted to know what's the importance of finasteride in hair loss treatment. I know the consensus tells me that its 1 in 30 odd patients who get effected and i don't want to be that one unlucky guy.


Thanks and appreciate your time!

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  • Regular Member

I have never had a HT but i have had experience using both.


I was initially using minoxidil for over year with good results. However my results really improved once i was on finasteride. So from my own personal experience i would use both to get the best out of both products. The big 3 is my regime.


Obviously results vary from person to person.


Hope that helps.

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  • Senior Member

Medication that systematically inhibits DHT (Fin) is basically the closest thing to a cure for hairloss, but it's mostly preventative in that typically you don't regrow a whole lot of hair but rather maintain what you have.


Minoxidil is helpful but not as effective overall. In the short run, Minoxidil can yield possibly as good or even better results than Fin. But in the long run it loses out. It's not great at maintaing but rather helps turn back the clock a handful of years. In other words, after those handful of years you'll be back to your starting point.


Hair transplants put a bandage over the problem.


If you're serious about your hairloss I think Fin is worth a try. It definitely works. There have been several scientific tests showing side effects occur in only around 2% people. On the internet it can seem like this number is much higher, because people who don't have problems don't go out of there way to post online "Well just wanted to report I've been on the drug and... nothing bad has happened". Millions have used the drug. I would suggest starting out with a very low dosage and if you get side effects you can stop.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Rootz and Kyo for your replies.


So far i don't see much side effects. I was just over analyzing it in my head but i just thought i would be cautious before its too late. But as you said, i will see if any side effects. If not then i will continue using it for as long as i need to use it.

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