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How does Dr Lorenzo do it....

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He took the time to master his craft. There is a video in which he actually dissected a section of patient's scalp just so he could analyze how the manual punch and forceps affect the graft whilst still in the scalp. He would then extract grafts from the patients scalp(around the open wound) but he could actually see the punch from the inside of the scalp and how it would react with the graft. Same goes for the extraction technique. Many surgeons simply yank the graft out of the scalp once it has been punched which can often cause trauma to the graft as it is torn out. Lorenzo does not do this, instead he holds the graft in place and tugs lightly on the scalp tissue itself, gently separating the graft from the tissue. From memory, he has over 10 different methods for pulling the graft away from the tissue alone. This is only one example of why he is the best of the best and achieves yield better than most strip surgeons.




When anyone asks me who to go to for the best chance of a successful FUE procedure, I tell them, Lorenzo. Without an iota of doubt.

Edited by Mickey85
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I'm at 5 months post op with Lorenzo and have had FUE done several times with notable clinics. The yield is already better than my previous (same amount of grafts more or less). The post op recovery immediately after was a breeze compared to the others. By days 3 or 4 you couldn't tell I had anything done. No pain, no swelling, no scabs or blood.

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Mickey, I have a procedure with Hakan in June and he recommends motorised punch (he doesn't seem to like manual in general) .... now I have seen this video you posted, I am thinking motorised if going to cause far more trauma to the follicles than manual, surely? I think I may consider paying a bit more and going for manual extraction.

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I am a huge proponent of manual AND sharp tip punches. The reason behind this is that they allow for the fewest amount of oscillations(turns) of the graft which minimizes mishandling and possible tearing of the graft. The correlation I have seen with good results and manual sharp tip punches has lead me to favor them. I am not a fan of motorized and blunt punches like the Harris SAFE system, at all.


I personally would go the manual route... I do plan to eventually but have put a procedure on hold for a while as I am enjoying my life again.

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  • Senior Member
I'm at 5 months post op with Lorenzo and have had FUE done several times with notable clinics. The yield is already better than my previous (same amount of grafts more or less). The post op recovery immediately after was a breeze compared to the others. By days 3 or 4 you couldn't tell I had anything done. No pain, no swelling, no scabs or blood.


exactly the same with doganay

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  • Senior Member
I'm at 5 months post op with Lorenzo and have had FUE done several times with notable clinics. The yield is already better than my previous (same amount of grafts more or less). The post op recovery immediately after was a breeze compared to the others. By days 3 or 4 you couldn't tell I had anything done. No pain, no swelling, no scabs or blood.


Very happy for you buddy!

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  • Senior Member
Thanks Mickey. Still got a long way to go though. I'll post pics when I get close to a full result in a few months.




Please do. You have been through a very rough ride and deserve the best.

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