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Donor Scar Question


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  • Regular Member

On average does the donor scar stick out, like a bump? Or is it flat with the rest of your skin? I am wondering because if I get it filled in by FUE and then shave my head super short if you'd see a bump or it would be un-noticable.


And the size of the donor scar I am talking about would be one that was used for roughly 1500 grafts.

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  • Regular Member

On average does the donor scar stick out, like a bump? Or is it flat with the rest of your skin? I am wondering because if I get it filled in by FUE and then shave my head super short if you'd see a bump or it would be un-noticable.


And the size of the donor scar I am talking about would be one that was used for roughly 1500 grafts.

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Your physician will ask if you or your family have a history of keloid scarring. Keloid scarring is abnormal and grows outward, beyond the original injury to the skin. SOme ethnic groups are much more susceptible to keloid scars. Blacks and Hispanics are about 15% more likely to have this condition.


Even if you don't have keloid scarring, a donor scar may have ridges or can be just plain wide and/or irregular if the physician isn't careful in the excision process or stitching/stapling process. When researching a physician be sure to take note of not only former patient's recipient areas but also their donor areas.


You also have to apply due diligence in being careful of strenuous excercise or labor after the procedure. Opinions vary, but always err on the safe side of waiting about 2 weeks for light excersise and maybe 6 weeks for more strenuous weight-lifting. Like I said, the range is all over the board, but its best to just use good judgement. You know better than anyone else as to whether you are putting strain on that area or not.


An ideal procedure will leave you with a thin, white line that is not noticeable under a #2 or so guard buzz. There is no ridging and even a hair stylist should have a hard time finding it, much less a casual observer.





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Mine can be felt, by myself. That area of my head was always prone to zits, which were kind enough to surface during healing, so maybe that factored in. Not in the slightest bit noticeable visually, and not at all uncomfortable. Again, it can barely be felt.


You may not even want to bother with FUE if the strip's done very well if you go to a doctor recommended by this forum. And please do. I know the temptation of a cheap job with the results you see in a Bosley ad can be awful tempting for a young guy who wants results.

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Bana, it depends on your surgeon and how good he is at extracting, closing underskin and closure top scalp. I would suggest asking for staples which seem to produce thinner scars. Most top surgeons use stiches underneath tissue and staples on surface (at least they offer staples to the patients). I've had 6 scars all with stitches and 5 were pretty thin scars but could feel them. My latest HT, I had staples which just after a month, I can not feel the scar at all-- and looking in the mirror it is very hard to see. My opinion staples worked better for me.

Also, after HT load up on Vit E, C, Zinc, and alovera which helps scarring-- take these for 6 months. Mercderma also works good-- I've had experience with this as well which lessens the visual effects of the scar. Start 2 weeks after HT.

Botton line, with a good surgeon you shouldnt have to even worry about using donor for FUE.

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