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Bernardo de Paula is the actor who plays Beto in the Showtime series, Shameless. He was concerned about his hair loss, particularly in the hairline area and crown. Aside from the fact that appearances are highly linked to career opportunities and success in the entertainment industry, Bernardo felt that his progressive baldness was affecting his confidence as well.


Because hair transplantation has come a long way in the development of tools and techniques that enable doctors to produce very realistic results, more celebrities are turning to surgery to address issues with male pattern hair loss. And indeed, we are also seeing an emerging trend of high profile individuals speaking quite openly about their procedures. This not only includes Mr. de Paulo whose video is included here, but also other celebrities like Wayne Rooney, James Nesbitt (actor) and Marc Jacobs.


Calum Best, an actor, model and reality show star, underwent FUE. And he also feels there is no reason to be so secretive about hair surgery, as most onlookers respond quite positively to quality results.


Crown and Hairline Restoration With Follicular Unit Extraction


Bernardo de Paulo was experiencing hairline recession and emptiness in the crown. Dr. Umar performed an FUE hair transplant to harvest head donor grafts and insert them into these areas. Finer nape hair was used to create a softer and more natural looking hairline edge.












The actor no longer has to worry about seeing images of his diminishing hair on camera. In fact, he is now able to sport a more youthful and edgy hair style , which would not have been possible before his procedure.


But perhaps most importantly, he also states that he now has a much stronger sense of inner peace.




If the video player is not displaying above, here is the link to the video clip. Click here.

Edited by Abbie

Representing Dr. Umar of DermHair Clinic.


Dr. Umar is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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  • Senior Member

Very cool! Thank you for sharing.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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