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need answers to these questions - hair transplant experience with Bosley


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I realize not a lot of u read the bosley thread but unfortunately I found this place 3 days after I had a hair transplant surgery from there.


I have a few questions which i'd love answered since right now I trust u guys more than bosley.






I realize the graphs are too far spaced out but is it that bad? In other words how dense should I expect them to grow in at?


Also how many graphs survive and when do they survive? In other words, will the ones that are left say 2 weeks after the surgery are still there can I expect them all to survive forever? If not, how many in ur estimation will not survive, what percent?


Also with my scar, does it get smaller or stay the same after I get the stiches removed? If it gets smaller does it do this over time or right away? If it does it over time, about how long and how much smaller does it get?


They told me to apply rogaine to my graphs but I forgot when they said in order to speed up growth? Is this a good idea? If I do this do I have to continue using it for the rest of my life for the hairs not to fall out?


I realize i'll probably need another HT to repair this job but basacally what can I expect after 8-10 months with this one?


Please be honest in all of these questions, thanks guys.

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  • Regular Member

I realize not a lot of u read the bosley thread but unfortunately I found this place 3 days after I had a hair transplant surgery from there.


I have a few questions which i'd love answered since right now I trust u guys more than bosley.






I realize the graphs are too far spaced out but is it that bad? In other words how dense should I expect them to grow in at?


Also how many graphs survive and when do they survive? In other words, will the ones that are left say 2 weeks after the surgery are still there can I expect them all to survive forever? If not, how many in ur estimation will not survive, what percent?


Also with my scar, does it get smaller or stay the same after I get the stiches removed? If it gets smaller does it do this over time or right away? If it does it over time, about how long and how much smaller does it get?


They told me to apply rogaine to my graphs but I forgot when they said in order to speed up growth? Is this a good idea? If I do this do I have to continue using it for the rest of my life for the hairs not to fall out?


I realize i'll probably need another HT to repair this job but basacally what can I expect after 8-10 months with this one?


Please be honest in all of these questions, thanks guys.

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Primarily to get a better idea of your situation and to analyse things better, how many grafts did you have? This will really answer your question regarding how densely packed they were/are.


Hairs that have not yet shed in the recipent area should still grow. Many HT patients hairs stick around for much longer and there is no problem. What you must remember is that everybody is different.


Regarding your scar, again this is a very unique thing, were all patients heal differently. There is everychance that your scar will fade somewhat over time if kept well now, but also remember that if you have or you do experience shock loss (where your native hair is shocked by the HT, that you temporarily shed more hair around the scar), your scar may appear more visible to a period of time.


Using Rogaine is a positive thing, I would begin to apply around the 10 day post HT mark. Whether this speeds up new hair growth is not proven, but many swear by it and many docs recommend this. It is certainly no bad thing. Continued use will potentially prevent native hair from thinning, but transplanted hair should not be susceptible to thinning until advanced years in moderation with the back and sides of your hair.


Again, what to expect in 8-10 months is very individual depending. Everybody is different. Obviously this reverts back to how many grafts you had. Also remember that full results will not be apparent until the 18 month mark. So patience is a necessity.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

I had only 1200 graphs. Also with Rogaine if I used it around the 10 day post HT mark if I was going to stop using it if I wanted to when would be a good time to stop? Should I use Rogaine on my scar or just onto where my hair was transplanted to?


Thanks a lot.

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  • Senior Member

JK- I think that everyone has left you some great messages in both this thread and the other bosely thread.


In terms of minoxidil, using it on the recipient site only after the 14-day mark (or 10-day if that is what your doc recommends) twice a day will help with blood flow to the area. I would not put it on the donor area, let it heal.


Like I said in the bosely thread:

1.(+) The doc gave you a conservative hairline which is really good and it doesn't look that bad. It won't look unnatural, just very sparse.


2.(+) Not a lot of donor was used in your case leaving ample for your next procedure to add density.


3.(-) There is a lot of space between grafts, so you won't be happy with the density. When you see the results after a year or so, a coalition doc will be able to add density and refine the hairline very easily.


4. What's done is done, so relax and know that you found a great site to answer all your questions and do the proper research.


Per my points above, you will be in good shape to add the desired density and hairline in a year or so. Do some research and work your way towards making a decision for the coalition doc you will choose in the future and wait to see how this procedure turns out.


Heal well

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Regular Member

thanks I guess as of now I am mostly concerned about the scar, is there anyway to treat it so it will heal better or anything to say to the bosley doctors so it will get smaller? I obv realize it will be there forever but i'm just trying to make it as small/as less visable as possible as right now I am wearing my hair at around 1/2 an inch in the back and it is clearly visable.

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the scar will be visible for a while, especially with a shorter hair cut. Grow your hair out and it will be less visible. All of us who have had strip procedures have a visible scar for a while, unless the hair in the back was relatively long.


The scar takes a long time to heal and to become less visible. I have heard that from 6-9 months that is when the scar really becomes thinner and hidden.


At the 1.5 to 2 month mark I began rubbing vitamin e oil on my scar about 3 times a week to aid in healing and keep it moisturized. I waited that long so the scar could properly close. I only rub it on maybe once or twice a week now.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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your HT is quite recent, so just wait for growth. Same thing with the scar, it will fade with time. Right now, just relax. We will see in 10 months. If it does not turn out well, you still have the option to go with a doctor from the Coalition. Considering only 1200 grafts were used, you still have lots of donor left.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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ok I just got my stiches removed today (it's been 10 days) and I have a few questions


1. They told me to scrub the grafts out with shampoo now that its been 10 days, is this correct or should I be waiting longer?


2. They said I can workout as much as I want, is this correct or should I be waiting longer


3. Should I do anything now that my stiches have been removed, I thought I read on this site that vera gel and bag balm work well, is this true and which one of them should I use (or both) and how often?


Thanks guys

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JK111...this site has all the answers to all your questions. Get yourself used to using the search feature. There are old threads on this site that will have all the info you'll ever need.


Soaking your head in a warm bath for around 20 minutes will help while you GENTLY massage the scabs off with your finger tips.

You probably want to wait on full strength gym workouts for about a month. You don't want to stretch your scar.

Bacitracin or neosporin should be placed on your scar for the first week or two.


Heal and grow well.

My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Wong


715 grafts at Bosley, 2004

3238 grafts by Dr.True, Mar 2008

3393 grafts by Dr. Wong, Jul 2009

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