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MSM and the 'ugly duckling' phase

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  • Senior Member

I've been taking 3,000 mg of MSM per day for with the objective of speeding up hair growth for two reasons:

1) covering my scar (hair was short pre-op)

2) getting out of the 'ugly duckling' phase quicker and getting those new follicles sprouting ASAP



Is there any actual evidence that an MSM regimen speeds things along? Now that my scar is close to being covered (3 weeks post-op), I'd rather not continue taking these every day if it doesnt significantly speed things along.

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  • Senior Member

I didn't use MSM but I did use rogaine. I'm not sure how much it speeds things up, but I had little hairs popping up at 2 months. I'm at 2.75 months right now and I still have about the same as I did at 2.

My Hair Loss Website


Surgical Treatments:


Hair transplant 5-22-2013 with Dr. Paul Shapiro at Shapiro Medical Group

Total grafts transplanted: 3222

*536 singles *1651 doubles * 961 triples,

*74 quadruples.

Total hairs transplanted: 7017



Non-Surgical Treatments:


*1.25 mg finasteride daily

*Generic minoxidil foam 2x daily

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