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Very Nervous About the End Result

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Several weeks from now I'm going to one of the best FUE surgeons around and the pics of his work are excellent...BUT...I am still quite nervous that the end result of MY operation, once the hair grows back in, is going to look funny, or weird, or just so different from ME that I'm starting to think about this all the time now.


What if it DOES look weird on me and I regret the whole thing, and curse myself for ever having it done it in the first place?...what do I do then??? It's too late!!


Any Thoughts to help me with this nervousness and anxiety? Is Everybody nervous going in to have it done?



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These are excellent questions and quite valid. All the doctors have differnt approach to hairline and hair angulation. If they are different than your original hair, it will look different.


You also must be concerened with yield and density. If the hair is not planted at a high density and/or the yield is not good, then the hair will be much thinner than your original hair.


I struggle with a hairline that is much higher than my original one, but I also know that there is not enough hair to reconstruct the original hairline.


A hair transplant is a compromise to get you to look better than you do, but it will only mimick your original look with varying degrees of success.


The only guys who get really stunning results are the guys who are low norwoods and have grafts dense packed in the front. However, the only guys who should be having this kind of procedure are 35 years or older.

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If it can help you, most of the people who had hair transplant, including myself, were nervous before the operation. You are in the same boat. Having a second thought is normal, so don't worry about it, and just Nike said: just do it!


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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anxiety and doubt are normal. i certainly experienced a lot. i'm on day 3 now and I feel very, very happy about the whole experience thus far.


emperor makes all valid points though. mainly, make sure you're expectations are realistic and make sure you choose the right doc and the right plan.


I also liked how emperor said think of a HT as an improvement. anyone who seeks perfection is doomed for dissapointment.

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What is your current hairloss level (Norwood scale) and age ? These are probably the 2 most important factors of all.


Also, do you have coarse jet black hair on pale white skin ? If so, then you are in the camp of the most difficult patients to create a natural looking hairline for. There are undetectable hairlines out there, but they are usually dudes with brown to blonde hair that is medium or fine in shaft thickness. If you have these characteristics then your chances of getting a natural hairline with a soft transition zone are much greater. All bets are off though if your hair is wiry, coarse, and solid black.

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