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Dr Reddy FUE results on Gladiator ACE - Norwood 4, 979 grafts

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37 year old gentleman, came to us with a Norwood 4 hair loss pattern. He was referred by a friend of his who had undergone a procedure with Dr Reddy. He was qualified by Dr Reddy for FUE. Being an eminent TV personality (Warren has played the role of Gladiator ACE), his primary concern was that of a natural appearance.


Dr Reddy and his team placed 979 grafts in one session. He is on Propecia as a maintenance therapy.


Attached are the pics before & after.
















I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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  • Senior Member

Wow. Big difference with a small number of grafts. Do you have any immediate post-op images, or images of the matured result taken by the clinic?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks for presenting this example of Dr. Reddy's results. However, showing only one after photo of the hairline isn't enough to truly evaluate and appreciate the result. Please present some additional photos showing the scalp at a 45 degree angle and the top of the scalp. Also, close-up pictures would be helpful as well.


Best wishes,



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Thanks for presenting this example of Dr. Reddy's results. However, showing only one after photo of the hairline isn't enough to truly evaluate and appreciate the result. Please present some additional photos showing the scalp at a 45 degree angle and the top of the scalp. Also, close-up pictures would be helpful as well.


Best wishes,




Hi Bill,


I understand and I would show more photos but unfortunately we do not have more because the patient never came for a follow up. I will post results only with more photos from now on.

I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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