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Urgent advice needed please: post op 3 weeks itchy scalp spotty blood

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Hi, really appreciate advice here. Had an 2,000 graft FUT a little more than 3 weeks ago. I was using baby shampoo up until today, which had completely dried out my scalp and forehead because of which I started using olive oil after head wash. I was advised to start using Rogaine and Nizoral, but I wanted to avoid Rogaine because of family history of heart disease. Also, I read at a lot of places that Nizoral 2% is a medicated shampoo that should be avoided for the first month, so I started using Dove shampoo (cucumber and green tea scent) today.


Tonight while asleep my scalp got really itchy so I scratched a bit, and when I got up I went to the restroom and washed my head with water only and put on some olive oil. I see a lot of hair shedding and dandruff, but I also noticed a blood spotting while drying my head with paper towel. There was very little blood coming from the right side of the crown (also a recepient area) which stopped a little later. Have I dislodged my grafts? How can I fix this itch/dandruff, should I move on to Nizoral 2% rightaway? Appreciate your expert feedback.

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I'm no expert but I know I itched like crazy for a couple months afterwards. I'd say you're fine but give your doc a call. My doc had me spray my head all of the time with saline solution to keep the scalp moisturized and to encourage the scabs to fall off naturally. I wouldn't shampoo everyday, no need for any head to shampoo every day, and it sounds like a reaction to the shampoo with dryness.

Sam Spade

View my HT photo album


Very satisfied customer of Dr. Konior, Chicago

FUT, 3950 grafts, June 2012

Message me if you have any questions regarding my experience or Dr. K.

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Hi there, since you had your HT about 3 weeks ago I do not believe you dislodged any graft. The grafts are in place about 8 days after the HT, so do not worry!

For what I already read in different Forums, Itchy is a common complain, I am not sure you can do something about it. Let's wait to see what ohters say. Good luck!

An amazing experience (4002 grafts) with Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED Clinic).

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Thanks Denny, thats what I had read earlier as well that the grafts are firmly in around the 10th day post op. Problem is that I had a little blood spotting on the tissue coming from the crown, and I can see a small tiny wound on the crown, I'm just concerned if any graft was dislodged, plus is this a cause for concern for the grafts. Should I use the saline solution as well to stay away from itching and move to Nizoral to combat dandruff, still unsure of that.

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I'd call your doctor to make sure. I emailed and called Dr. Konior's office a number of times with questions after the fact just for peace of mind. It's a shaky time for all of us, and you paid all this money so shey should be expected to be ready for quickly reply to any of your concerns, especially this soon after surgery.

Sam Spade

View my HT photo album


Very satisfied customer of Dr. Konior, Chicago

FUT, 3950 grafts, June 2012

Message me if you have any questions regarding my experience or Dr. K.

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Give tea tree oil shampoo a try, i have not had a HT as of yet however whenever my scalp has become itchy/flaky/dandruff this has worked wonders for me.


That kind of shampoo smells so dayum good.

Sam Spade

View my HT photo album


Very satisfied customer of Dr. Konior, Chicago

FUT, 3950 grafts, June 2012

Message me if you have any questions regarding my experience or Dr. K.

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The newly implanted grafts anchor between day 7 and day 10, and you really can't "dislodge" them after this point. However, if you are very concerned, I would give the clinic a call in the morning and discuss the bleeding and ways to keep your scalp moist. However, at the 3 week mark, you cannot actually dislodge a graft.


Hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Dr Feller's patient instructions are to massage the grafts at two days post-op. His instructions claim that the grafts are anchored by that point so long as you only gently massage them in the shower to prevent scabbing.

Edited by LondonHTseeker
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Yes saline solution can be purchased at just about any pharmacy.


Itching is a sign of healing and any quality shampoo that has lots of moistening ingredients is better than using other topicals like Nioxin or minoxidil. Most minoxidil products contain nothing to enhance the healing and these products also contain a very high concentrate of various alchohol additives. These inactive ingredients can dry out the scalp and cause further irritation and itching.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks gillenator, The only saline spray that I found in the pharmacy was a saline wound wash first aid cleanser. It doesn't say anything about application on hair. Not sure if this is the type of spray that everyone refers to.

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It should be okay as long as there are no other additives/ingredients noted on the label. Even a bottle of saline solution for contact lens cleaning/storage is a safe saline solution to use in a seperate spray bottle. No need to dilute the solution, it's ready to go. It's also very cheap in cost and probably cheaper than the saline wash that you found. ;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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