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SMP on crown in Belgium - Before FUE Surgery

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  • Senior Member

Hi all, I'm thinking of SMP procedure whilst in Belgium i'm considering this as part of a strategy in conjunction with FUE. I was looking at Dr. Lindsey's videos on using your grafts wisely and just focusing on one area at a time - with that in mind, I'm thinking of SMP on the crown first, and attempting FUE 6 months down the road - has anyone thought of this before? Can anyone please advise if there are any credible SMP specialist in belgium?

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  • 7 months later...
  • Regular Member

That makes sense. I'm just 23 years old, and understandably this makes me an unsuitable candidate for a hair transplant. Do you think a HT surgeons would be more will to peform a hair transplant (low density) combined with SMP? In theory less grafts would be used but the appearance of density would remain. I have seen an impressive example of this.

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Yes, I do think it will make some HT docs reconsider performing surgery on non-candidates. I have actually been meeting with some surgeons with the hopes of working together to do just that.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I would like to bump this post for the purpose of reminding/warning people considering an transplant AND SMP as a combined strategy, that they should do the SMP first, or be prepared to wait at least 9 months before inking the transplanted area.


I always assumed that the ink didn't penetrate deep enough to bother the grafts, but not so, according to the clinics I have recently dealt with.


I was itching to get another SMP soon, and properly move my hairline to match the extent of grafts. But have to wait, according to doc.


However, I add the caveat. All clinics have their agenda ahead of their clients. It is a possibility that they don't want me to ink the area until I have sent them clear photos that show them growth of my latest HT, so their IP database is one little wee customer post-op picture better off. Wouldn't put it past them.


Of course, I reiterate that all docs and clinics are wonderful and I am grateful.:)

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I'm a little surprised to hear the ink could harm the grafts given the needle only penetrates at .5mm (Milena's product at least). That being said, you also need to wait to give the area a chance to heal and for the grafts to grow in so the SMP practitioner knows exactly where to work. I still think it's easier to place SMP around actual hair than vice versus. I'll have to confer with some HT docs to see how they feel about having to work around SMP.


Scar5, have you decided if you're doing temp or permanent?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Yes, me too...frustratingly so!,

I'm old so I can wait..(bitchin' the whole way!)

I think it boils down to the raw skin cells at the upper end of the graft..?Still unstable, liable to be moving in growth, so that the ink might smudge , the dots might break up easier? ? Obviously the growth part of the graft is miles deeper down, but as I said, if the surface is still changing , then the ink is going to move around.

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It is better to do SMP first, and HT after it. I have SMP done about 2 years ago and am looking to do FUE on top of it. If you do not get your SMP from a top clinic it will damage the transplant hair, its not even worth to take that route. This is just my 2 cent input, you should consult with a SMP/HT doctor before you proceed with it.

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  • Senior Member
It is better to do SMP first, and HT after it. I have SMP done about 2 years ago and am looking to do FUE on top of it. If you do not get your SMP from a top clinic it will damage the transplant hair, its not even worth to take that route. This is just my 2 cent input, you should consult with a SMP/HT doctor before you proceed with it.


I agree with you Mask, but I cant see a way around the problem of not lnowing how much hair you can expect to have before you agree with the SMP tech to paint you a hairline. The doc may not be able to accodate in terms of enough hair yo suit the SMP hsirline. All my HTs have been designed by the doc, will-o-the-wisp, in less than 30 minutes before the procedure.

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