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Shock Loss nightmare

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Here is my story and could use some advice. I had 2 procedures with Bosley in 2004 and 2008. Both were outstanding. My entire frontal 1/3 is all grafted hair. I had a procedure with Dr. Niedbalski in Seattle for 1500 grafts 3.5 months ago. Have heard mixed reviews on him. Also had PRP injections at the same time. The result has been catastrophic. I will post following pics:


1) Before picture-east to tell because I have the most hair (Keep in mind its almost all previously grafted hair)


2) 3 weeks post op picture-again easy to tell as its catastrophic. I mean I can barely look at it.


3) 1.5 month picture still bad but settled down


4) right now picture-still bad fuller in some spots but thinning has stretched to other areas


At 3.5 months am I know just entering the phase where shockloss regrowth should start or should I be much further along?


Also do the pictures look like I have improved at all? I stare at them so much my vantage point is skewed.





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Definite improvement, shock loss and rogaine shed probably contributed to the hairs going!! Also I think you are worrying that your Pre hair which was from previous transplants has fallen out and you didn't think it would, am I correct?? I also get the impression that because it was hair that had been moved you didn't think this could/ would happen?? Remember hair that has been moved shouldn't been susceptible to dht, So in theory mpb shouldn't effect it, but shock loss isn't an effect of dht levels its purely down to scalp trauma, so even the healthiest of hairs can fall out by the bucket full, all healthy ones will regrow and miniaturised ones may not, but as all yours will of been healthy as the were ones that were moved they will all return, so chill out and wait, you've got nothing to worry about!! Iv had bad shock loss in my donor, and I'm not concerned, of it happens in my recip area then I will be because I had some miniaturised hairs there which may not return, but yours won't of been miniaturised if they were all hairs that had been moved from your donor from previous transplants!! I am no expert but from th research iv done I think that's right!! If any more experienced vets can chime in to confirm or correct me it might help to ease your concerns!!

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The 3 rd one with the shirt!! Definite improvement, it's 3.5 months by month 5 to 6 you l be flying!! Try and relax I know it's hard!!! I stress as well, but keep in mind it won't help!! Your on the right tracks!! On 2 months time you will be giving advice out to others who are experiencing it!!! Your actually in a better position then most as all the hairs that were shock lost will be healthy as they were transplanted ones!! I look forward to your update at 6 months saying how pleased you are with the new mop of hair!!!

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Well thanks so much for your response. These last 3.5 months have been been some dark ass days. It's so damn thin I can't use topik. Hopefully you're right. Still have a long long way to get back to pre op, but no choice but to endure.

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It's the most stressful thing ever!! But you must remember stressing doesn't change the outcome !! In 12 months you get your results and worrying wont change them, I think everyone who has a ht must be a little obsessed by their hair or they wouldn't put themselves through it all!! I know I am!! And to see something you obsess over go worse is very traumatic, but expected!! That's just they way it is!!! I really feel for you as I can tell its hard at the minute for you and I think your views will be becoming distorted by it, but I can honestly say that's its a big improvement and I'm sure it will be great, now try and relax, do something you enjoy and don't look at it for the rest of the day!! Remember if you want the rainbow you've got to put up with the rain!! That's by Dolly Parton, and they say she was just a big pair of tits!!

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as you had undergone two previous procedures, you should know that growth will take time, so at this point I wouldn`t worry at all. Give it at least another few weeks!


Also, from your first picture posted, I would not call your first two HTs "outstanding", depending of the grafts that were placed. Were you completely bald in the recipient are before your first procedures or were you experiencing only thinning?


Btw: Nice view you have got there:-)

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  • 8 months later...
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I'm a year out and maybe got 70% back. So no I ended up worse. I doubt that will be case for you though. I had prp injections also at time of surgery and convinced that's what did me in. Had permanent loss of pre existing grafts where I didn't even have new grafts put in.


I'm sure you'll improve.

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