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Transplanted hairs that don't fall out

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I haven't seen this subject covered elsewhere, so I figured I'd start a new topic.


I'm 1.5 months post-op, and I still have a few scattered transplanted hairs that won't shed. They remain firmly put -- even when I massage them under the shower. In fact, I don't think I've seen a single hair shed in the past week. Most of my transplanted hairs ended up falling flat against my scalp prior to shedding (i.e. they wouldn't sit upright anymore) and they had a little black hook-shaped bulb at the bottom after coming out. However, the resilient hairs are still pointing upward at the same angle they were planted in.


So, it seems like these hairs may not fall out at all. But these stragglers have also not grown any longer since approximately the 2 week mark. It's like their growth has been stunted and frozen in its tracks! All of my surrounding native hair is now at least twice as long as the remaining transplanted ones.


I'm just wondering if this seems normal? And if so (presuming these hairs won't shed) how long before they'll resume growing again? Or can I expect them to shed eventually before their growth cycle kicks in?

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  • Regular Member

I haven't seen this subject covered elsewhere, so I figured I'd start a new topic.


I'm 1.5 months post-op, and I still have a few scattered transplanted hairs that won't shed. They remain firmly put -- even when I massage them under the shower. In fact, I don't think I've seen a single hair shed in the past week. Most of my transplanted hairs ended up falling flat against my scalp prior to shedding (i.e. they wouldn't sit upright anymore) and they had a little black hook-shaped bulb at the bottom after coming out. However, the resilient hairs are still pointing upward at the same angle they were planted in.


So, it seems like these hairs may not fall out at all. But these stragglers have also not grown any longer since approximately the 2 week mark. It's like their growth has been stunted and frozen in its tracks! All of my surrounding native hair is now at least twice as long as the remaining transplanted ones.


I'm just wondering if this seems normal? And if so (presuming these hairs won't shed) how long before they'll resume growing again? Or can I expect them to shed eventually before their growth cycle kicks in?

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  • Regular Member

Thanks, guys. Good to know that everything seems about as expected then. I have maybe 100 or more of these resilient hairs and I just wasn't sure what they were planning to do!


I also have a single transplanted hair (one that Dr. Rahal transplanted near the lowest point of my widow's peak) which continued growing. It's now as long as my other native hairs. The interesting thing is that by examining this particular hair closely, I can see that it's thick and dark where it was transplanted, but as it has continued to grow, the base is white and thin, like vellus hair. Strangely, this hair didn't shed and contains these two consistencies in the same strand...

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I am 5 weeks post op and I am in the same situation.


Approx 90% of the grafts have fallen out but around 10% remain and have not fallen out or grown.


The ones that fell out had a slight kink at one end.


I hope they fall out or grow, I am concerned that they get stuck there and restrict new growth. I hear the new hairs should push them out around 3 months.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Member

Hi - apologies for reviving this thread, but I'm interested to know what happened with you guys who had 'stragglers' among your transplants.


I'm at just over three months, and I've got quite a few of these transplanted hairs that have been there since day one, not growing, not shedding. When I say quite a few, I reckon about 15-20 in the front hairline, and then probably a few more further back. All my other transplants shed as projected in the first couple of weeks.


For everyone who had the same issue - did those stragglers eventually fall out? Did you get new hairs coming through?

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  • Senior Member

Hey Albion (or whomever else) what is usually the timeline for this? Two months? I have a friends whom have had ht and some grow back later and some sooner. Do you think that it just depends on the transplant or genetics?



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  • Senior Member

i know this is totally the wrong thing to do and im stupid for doing it


but at nihjts watching tv and runnin my hands on my hair i feel these spikey grafts post op 2 months and out of curiosity i singled one out it felt dead to me but wudnt shed in shower etc and i pulled it out with a tweezers coz it bothered me so much


how ever one time it was a dead hair just trapped and one time it was a healthy hair with a bulb attched and then i was up all night worrying if the bulb was my graft and i pulled my graft out and worried id lost the hair and it wouldnt grow back..................


my opinion is some are trapped dead hairs some are resting and some are failed grafts either way leave them in its not worth the worry lol

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  • Senior Member

I'm not sure what the timeline is. All the transplants are supposed to fall out within the first couple of weeks, though judging by other comments on here, I guess that doesn't always happen.


I'm at three months now, so I'm hoping new hairs will push through soon and those transplants will drop out.


I wouldn't advise plucking them with tweezers though...

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