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Dr. Keene patient before and after 2200 grafts

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This young man came to Dr. Keene to haver her fill in his temporal recession. His wavy hair helps to make his hair look more dense even where he has thinning, but it still bothered him. These photos are from before and 1 year after 2200+ FUT. The patient provide the after photos as he was from out of the area.


Here is the graft breakdown:

1s) 200 +

2s) 909+

2s) 810

4s) 396

Total 2200+










I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

I notice his hair is a different color in the after pics....Does coloring hair help? And for some people unless they have a 16 year olds head of hair they will never be happy....His hair looks great!!!!! I would love to have what he has..

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  • Senior Member

Nicely done! Thank you for sharing.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member
I notice his hair is a different color in the after pics....Does coloring hair help? And for some people unless they have a 16 year olds head of hair they will never be happy....His hair looks great!!!!! I would love to have what he has..


Coloring can help if the color of the scalp and hair is high contrast. For example, if you have dark hair and light skin, then you need more density to not see through the hair to the scalp, whereas blonde hair on a light scalp minimizes a thinning appearance. But I think in this patient's case, it was just a styling preference, because dying his hair a darker color would have made the contrast higher for him. It was something he could do now that he has more hair in the frontal area. A lot of people like to experiment with different styles and colors after a hair transplant.


Thanks hoydoy, future HT doc and ttplunge:)

I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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