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Scar with hair

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the answer is not as simple as a yes or no. will the scar show if the hair is wet? will the scar show if one has just woken up(bed hair)? will the scar show if it is very windy? will there be a visible 'step' where there is no hair? will the scar show if one messes up his hair with gel at the back and sides? long hair or longrer hair will not eliminate all possibility of the scar showing.

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I have had a Trichophytic Closure from a world leading surgeon when Dr Feller performed my surgery. I have had it inspected by my mum who is a nurse, brother and sisters who find it very difficult to find. My younger sister who has scarring from other experiences in her life was in fact was very jealous of it.


A lot of the time poor scars arise from poor outdated techniques and this emotional experience can be a contributor to future formed opinions but not every single person will have exactly the same scar even with the newest method of closure.


For me personally the scar has never bothered me and I have even shaved my head right down to reveal it.I have in actual fact got worse scarring from a smaller Fue procedure on the left side of my head than I have from strip.


I am sure if I got jumped by a pack of monkeys down an alley with a magnifying glass, a pot of gel, water and a comb trying to reveal it, then yeah you will be able to see it.:)

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I have had a Trichophytic Closure from a world leading surgeon when Dr Feller performed my surgery. I have had it inspected by my mum who is a nurse, brother and sisters who find it very difficult to find. My younger sister who has scarring from other experiences in her life was in fact was very jealous of it.


A lot of the time poor scars arise from poor outdated techniques and this emotional experience can be a contributor to future formed opinions but not every single person will have exactly the same scar even with the newest method of closure.


For me personally the scar has never bothered me and I have even shaved my head right down to reveal it.I have in actual fact got worse scarring from a smaller Fue procedure on the left side of my head than I have from strip.


I am sure if I got jumped by a pack of monkeys down an alley with a magnifying glass, a pot of gel, water and a comb trying to reveal it, then yeah you will be able to see it.:)


he specifically asked about stretched scars. i had the same closure as you, also by a 'world leading surgeon' and the result was not good. and if you think that my emotional trauma from the scar has skewed my opinion(which you have implied before) please tell me, does dr. feller gaurantee a thin scar? in writing? does any doctor? t has never been an issue for you because you got a good scar.


the op asked a question about stretched scar which is obviously a concern for him and you try persuade him not to be worried simply because YOU got a good scar and that stretched scars from world leading surgeons are as rare as hen's teeth.

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Well, unfortunately my Dr Feller strip scar is easily noticeable when I have my hair short - definitely a problem. Looks like I'll have to get FUE into it in a year or so - pain in the neck (and head) and expensive. Two plus inches is just about when it becomes unoticeable.

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You have publically stated that you are in depression and obsessive behaviour is unhealthy which can be a contributor to depression-hence giving a skewed perspective.


I am still interested to see your scar as other people may think that it is reasonable.


It works both ways. There are no guarantees regarding yield or scarring via FUE or FUT even from the very best surgeons in the world.


I am not trying to persuade MagnumPi to have anything. In actual fact he mailed me privately and I suggested to him stick with FUE. He is welcome to post my private message that I sent to him if you don't believe me.


How many patients have you actually met in person from various different leading clinics to form the opinion that scar stretching is more common then the clinics claim? Have you got a ruler out and measured the dimensions of them?

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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please point out where my opinions are skewed. because i have a different opinion than you? how delusional of me!! oh it must be because i dont believe fut is the gold standard! yeh i must be delusional to believe that! god forbid anyone that doesnt want a linear scar on the back of their head with the possibility for permanent numbness! i have seen many patients in person from various clinics and most scars i have seen were averaged compared to great. in fact. 2 fut patients that had procedures around the same time as me with the same doc(regarded as one of the top in the world) both their scars stretched. pfft as if you need a ruler to tell if a scar is good or bad.


i also didnt know you were a therapist and had my chart and history to be able to tell my perspective is skewed! you man of many talents you :) you must have telepathy.

Edited by Mickey85
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You have had a bad experience rightly or wrongly with one procedure and because of this, you view is now distorted towards FUE and you believe it is the only viable option for any potential patient who is considering surgery. It is ridiculous.


You would be surprised to know that a very well known figure in the industry who actually stated on a radio show recently that even behind the scenes, the surgeons who perform mainly FUE still in confidentially tell him that FUT is better all round procedure- not my words.


Any person who reads the forums regularly will notice the consistent posts you have made by bashing and fixating on a potential drawback of one procedure and having a tunnel vision approach towards FUE.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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You have had a bad experience rightly or wrongly with one procedure and because of this, you view is now distorted towards FUE and you believe it is the only viable option for any potential patient who is considering surgery. It is ridiculous.


You would be surprised to know that a very well known figure in the industry who actually stated on a radio show recently that even behind the scenes, the surgeons who perform mainly FUE still in confidentially tell him that FUT is better all round procedure- not my words.


Any person who reads the forums regularly will notice that by the consistent posts you have made by bashing and fixating on a potential drawback of one procedure and having a tunnel vision approach towards FUE.


clearly you have not seen my fue pros and cons thread which details rarely spoken about details of both procedures in an unbiased manner. i have even stated that fue cannot restore a nw 6 or 7. i do believe fue is a superior procedure but have never said it is flawless, ever. it is you who is ridiculous. blaming someones opinion(who you dont even know) on depression. do you see me going to threads telling a nw6 to go fue? please point one out for me and i will paypal you $200us. i go into threads when a nw 3 asks about what procedure they choose and i give my opinion. but of course because im.not on the fut bandwagon like you, i must be insane. ask scar5 what procedure he thinks is better. he has had many good and bad fue and fut and he warns about fut.


who is this very well known figure? again, check my fue pros and cons thread, i detail rarely spoken factors about fut and fue. would i do that if i were totally biased? would i mention donor thinning, more fragile grafts, potential damage to surrounding donor hair if i was truly biased or delusional? perhaps you should think about what you type before you actually do it. you realise that you come off an a fut cheerleader, possibly the exact same way you see me as a fue cheerleader. yet i dont say you are wrong or your perspective is warped. i respect your opinion and everyones opinion and never make stupid uneducated assumptions about the other persons mental health simply because we disagree.

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Mickey I have read the thread you have made and I commend you for doing it. For it to be unbias totally, you would need to consider all surgeons opinion ie FUT exclusively, FUE exclusively and the composite clinics that perform both.


I am not blaming it but saying it will potentially heavily influence a perspective( it is logical). I have in the past seen you to encourage for a NW6 for Fue. I am not knocking that as it depends on the approach the patients would like to take when he has weighed up all the information in making a decision. For example the surgeon in Atlanta has publically stated that he believes strip is best for a patient who only needs one procedure for minor Norwood loss and favours FUE for higher Norwood loss. There is no right or wrong approach.


Scar5 has been burnt in the past from what I have read about it and this is evident in the way posts. But then I could say the same for forum poster JFables who was burnt with FUE. It is best to obtain as much information from all sources and make balanced decision.


There has been a lot of hype around FUE ever since it come about and this has been exploited considerably. I don't favour either in particular but I do tend to agree that in general for a person considering transplantation considering all type of patients, of all different ethnicities, with all different types of loss and hair characteristics, it is still the benchmark and most of the leading guys in the industry still believe it is the Gold Standard of transplantation.


I am sure one day in the future if it has not already arrived yet, that Fue could become the new standard for hair transplantation replacing Fut.


Regarding the very well known figure and one of the most well known in the industry who deals with a large number of surgeons, I will not be allowed to mention him but if you read other major forums, you can find out yourself.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Mickey I have read the thread you have made and I commend you for doing it. For it to be unbias totally, you would need to consider all surgeons opinion ie FUT exclusively, FUE exclusively and the composite clinics that perform both.


I am not blaming it but saying it will potentially heavily influence a perspective( it is logical). I have in the past seen you to encourage for a NW6 for Fue. I am not knocking that as it depends on the approach the patients would like to take when he has weighed up all the information in making a decision.


Scar5 has been burnt in the past from what I have read about it and this is evident in the way posts. But then I could say the same for forum poster JFables who was burnt with FUE. It is best to obtain as much information from all sources and make balanced decision.


There has been a lot of hype around FUE ever since it come about and this has been exploited considerably. I don't favour either in particular but I do tend to agree that in general for a person considering transplantation considering all type of patients, of all different ethnicities, with all different types of loss and hair characteristics, it is still the benchmark and most of the leading guys in the industry still believe it is the Gold Standard of transplantation.


I am sure one day in the future if it has not already arrived yet, that Fue could become the new standard for hair transplantation replacing Fut.


Regarding the very well known figure, I will not be allowed to mention him but if you read other major forums, you can find out yourself.


Please show me the thread where I encouraged a NW6 to go FUE. Really.


In regards to my FUE thread, I can't see any more pros/cons that are available really. I considered every avenue that was known to me and even used to material from FUT only clinics. It is an ongoing thread which can be added to at anytime.


In saying my depression(bad experience with FUT) has heavily influenced my stance on FUT, would it not be fair to say your good experience with FUT has affected your stance on FUT?


Bringing up my emotional state is really uncalled for considering you know little about how it all transpired. It would be enough just to say "I don't agree with you because ____" rather than "You are depressed, hence your view is skewed and wrong". I'm trying to be civil here and keep a cool head but what you have said has shown very little class. Here is what I recommended for a NW6 as recent as a few weeks back, he had poor donor:

4,000 graft FUT with a thicker density at the hairline and tapers out as it moves backward and then a 1,000-1,500 FUE session to fill in the crown. You could implement SMP(scalp tattoo, permanent or temporary) for added effect.


Does that sound like I'm encouraging him to go FUE? Here is another post I made to a NW5 who wanted FUE:


I personally do not think 2,000-2,500 grafts will give you a satisfactory and natural looking result in the recipient Unfortunately your donor does look thin, I do not think you could harvest 4,000 grafts and have it look undetectable. I have seen donors with high density after 3,000 grafts and even at a grade 1 clip you can see missing follicles. Stay away from the clinics who claimed they could harvest 4,000 grafts from you.


In regards to the 2,000-2,500 graft option, I personally would not do it. Not only will it thin your donor more it would result in an unnatural appearance of either a thinned out look spanning a large area or a dense look in the frontal third and not much behind...


Again does that sound like I'm pushing for FUE? Please be honest.

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Sorry to hear this. From what I have read of your thread, you have had 3 strip procedures.


Did Dr Feller inform you verbally or by a consent form that there is a small chance that a strip scar can stretch if you have multiple strip procedures. I known Dr Feller did in my case and I would like to think that all ethical surgeons would do such.




I have had poor work from strip and Fue but I still kept an open mind after being burnt by both procedures. Regarding the emotional state I have not poked fun at that and I wouldn't do that but it is a known fact in life that it can distort future opinions and all too often I have seen it across reading forums.


I would love to sit here and debate/argue but I am busy with work to do.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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That's fine. Come back to it when you are free. You did say you have seen me push FUE onto NW6s and I want to show that that is not the case.

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Cant we all just get along? (naw just joking).

Looks like some people get bad results with FUT, and some people get bad results from FUE regardless of going to the best doctors in the world.

I guess the only question then depends on an individuals needs, and weighing the possible trouble they "might" get into going forward into a HT.

From reading the forums I see a LOT more people who have trouble with their FUT scars than FUE scaring. A LOT MORE.

In my mind it seems FUE is a safer bet (though more expensive for sure). I wish we had some real stats on this stuff.

Anyway thanks guys. I respect both your opinions very much.

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If the patient has the scalp laxity for the strip taken and is a good healer, meaning no phisiological issues, then the scar should heal fine.


Obviously having a competent talented surgeon is of essence, yet ending up with a wider than desired scar can happen.


I had four seperate strip procedures and the scar is barely noticable whether my hair is wet or dry.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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