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My Journey: Dr. Rahal Pre-op and Beyond!


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Age: 27

Grafts: 3,632/FUT

Strip Size: 31.4 sq/cm

Doctor: Dr. Rahal


Graft Breakdown

1 unit grafts 755

2 unit grafts 2089

3 unit grafts 788


total grafts 3632

total hair 7297


I am not much of a writer but would like to share my experience with others. Here goes nothing...


It all began with a Google search looking for a way to combat hair loss. I came across this forum and seen people just like me talking about their hair loss. It was exciting to see the results and to know there was something I could do. I ended up looking at different doctor’s works. A few doctors caught my eye so I wrote their names down to do further research on them.


The Doctor I was most impressed with was Dr. Rahal. It was his style, graft placement and consistent results that won me over. I decided to schedule a free consultation to see what could be done for me. A few days later I received an e-mail from Chad with the recommendation of the doctor.


I was really depressed knowing that I would not be able to have the procedure for a while as I did not have the cash or a Job at the time. I ended up getting a job as a waiter saving all of my tips. I was embarrassed to go to work when customers and co-workers started making fun of my hair. I just ignored them and stuck to my goal. After a long hard road I finally managed to save enough money. Here it is two years later and I am excited that the time is almost here!


Right now I am sitting in my room and I've just finished doing the recommended scalp exercises. At the moment it is six weeks until my procedure with Dr. Rahal. Chad and the team have been very nice and answered all my questions promptly.


To Be Continued...


UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/18/13

I am in Ottawa now. It was an adventure getting here and was the first time I have flown on a plane. I was uncomfortable and squashed, security check points grilling me, missing my layover flight because of that and the pen breaking in my pocket didn’t help my situation at all. But I can say that I made it safely, which is the most important part.


Sitting here at the brookline guest house and it is a bit cold. Mahesh (brookline management) took me to the store to grab some food for my stay, it was nice of him. I got bread, sandwich meat and cheese to make sandwiches, fruit and drinks and instant oatmeal too. Over all, the brookline is a nice place so I have no complaints.


Mahesh was nice enough to drop me off at Dr. Rahal’s office, after the grocery shopping. I was there to fill out forms before the big day. I am a bit apprehensive about the forms but I am a very cautious person. I know that all HT doctors will have the same forms and you must sign in order to proceed. I will talk to Dr. Rahal tomorrow and make sure our expectations are the same and if they are I will feel a lot more comfortable.


After all of that, I was exhausted an took a nap.


Now awake after my nap. It is 10:50 PM and I don’t feel that sleepy. The big day is tomorrow at 6:30 AM. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or nervous about it. Wish me luck!



UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/19/13

Today is my surgery. I woke up at 3:00 AM and could not go back to sleep. My appointment is at 6:30 AM so I stayed awake for the remainder of the time. At about 4:00 AM I took a hot shower, soaking my head and washing it multiple times. I used a lot of deodorant just in case I started sweating from nerves ect.. After my shower I had a big breakfast that consisted of oatmeal, bread, fruit and lots of water. I brushed my teeth, watched a little tv, and then I was on my way over to Dr. Rahal’s office.


At The office I met with Dr. Rahal. I showed him a few examples of his past work that I liked, told him to do what he thinks is best for me and that I know I will have future loss so he took all these things into consideration. He asked me a few questions and then took out a pen to do what he does best and design the hairline. Dr. Rahal started to draw the hairline and said he wants a nice hairline that is age appropriate yet conservative. He told me that I am going to need another HT in the future for the crown. He also told me that I would definitely need 3,500 grafts in order to achieve 50 grafts per sq/cm.


Then we went to take per-op photos and after I got I dressed for the surgery. We then headed over to the OR, my nerves started to kick in when I sat in the chair. They prepared my head and the doctor gave me the freezing shots. The shots were nothing in terms of pain. It was a light sting feeling but not bad at all. They began to take the strip out after the freezing set in. I could not feel a thing Dr. Rahal and his team repeatedly asked me how I was doing and if I felt anything to let them know. I did once feel a stinging feeling due to scar tissue (the doc said I may of hit my head when I was young) because of the scar tissue it needed a bit more freezing in that area but the problem was taken care of quickly. The overall pain scale of 1-10, I would say is a 2-3. I didn't experience any heavy pain.


After they removed the strip, Dr. Rahal started freezing my frontal area where the grafts would be placed. This also was a very slight sting but nothing to be scared of. Dr. Rahal let the freezing set in and the team began separating the grafts. When Dr. Rahal returned he started to make the incisions for graft placement and from here on out there was not much pain. When Dr. Rahal was finished with making the incisions, four nurses came to start the process of placing the grafts in the incisions that Dr. Rahal made.


At this time, I was falling in and out of sleep. Towards the end Dr. Rahal informed me that he would need to take a little more strip as it came up short on graft count (which is normal to happen sometimes). I then had a break and some lunch that they provided for me. After the break, Dr. Rahal then started the freezing again and took the strip in just a few minutes. The nurses placed the remainder of the grafts and all was finished.


From here on out it is a waiting game for the end results.


I can say everyone was nice and professional. Especially Mike, this guy is an awesome person and has a very good attitude! Thank you Dr. Rahal, Mike and the team!.


UPDATE: Added total number of grafts and hair transplanted 3/20/13.

1 unit grafts 755

2 unit grafts 2089

3 unit grafts 788


total grafts 3632

total hair 7297


UPDATE: A little more about the Journey 3-19-13 to 4-2-13


(3-20-13) I went in for a few cleanings and then took over myself from there, it was simple enough. (Baby shampoo and Polysporin twice daily also Spraying Saline solution every two hours.)


(3-21-13) The swelling hit me two days after my procedure and lasted for the next 5 days. I wasn’t in pain at all and I slept well. Tip: Please make sure you buy a nice U pillow, it helps out a ton! I took the swelling meds and antibiotics until finished.


(4-2-2013) The stiches came out today, it was a little uncomfortable for me, it felt as if I was getting my hair pulled out. I am thinking this is because my skin was healing over the stitches but I am on my way home right they’re out.


(4-2-2013) I made it home safely. It was a long trip, with all the waiting and switching plans and the security was fun too :).

Overall, I really liked staying at the Brookline guest house. At first, I thought I wouldn’t like it because I am a very private person but it turned out to be a great experience for me. I am very happy that I stayed there. We all got along very well and bonded together like we’ve been friends forever. We are all still in contact with one another by e-mail. The walk to Dr. Rahal’s office wasn’t that bad either.


(4-3-14) I am starting Minoxidil today, let’s see how it goes for me. Also, I am continuing the use of Polysporin as per instructions


UPDATE: One month post op update photos 4/18/13


I thought I would share my one month updated with you. Attached are the photos. As you can see, I've shedded about 90% of the transplanted hairs. My native hair has grown to #4, the the scar is hard to spot, tho if you look close you can see some redness. I have been using minoxidil 10% on a daily basis. I will start taking a low dose of Finasteride next month .I've taken Finasteride 1.25 before.. had the gyno side effect. After I noticed the gyno, I stopped taking it and the gyno went away. My crown looks thinner, I hope it is a shed from the minoxidil, but only time will tell. Let's see what next month has to bring.


UPDATE:First month Close up of the scar with bright lighting 4/23/13


The other photos are a bit deceiving so I took some more of the scar area.. These photos are shot with brighter lighting and some at an upward angle. This should give everyone a better idea of how it is looking at this point. The length of my hair is #4.


UPDATE: Started Finasteride .25 three times a week. 4/29/13


Have started Finasteride .25 three times a week. Let's see if I get any sides. The numbness on the upper back of my head is starting to go away. More transplanted hairs are popping up. Will continue the use of minoxidil 10% daily.




UPDATE: Added photos taken by Chad at the consultation on 9/14/12

UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/18/13

UPDATE: Just got out of surgery with Dr. Rahal will post more info later. 3/19/13

UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/19/13

UPDATE: Added total number of grafts and hair transplanted 3/20/13.

UPDATE: Added pre and post op pictures taken at Dr. Rahal's office 3/19/13 & 3/20/13

UPDATE: Added More post-op pictures taken with my cell. 3/21/13

UPDATE: A comparison to one of my favorite (Jacob1989) HT by Dr. Rahal which is similar to mine. 3/21/13

UPDATE: A little more about the Journey 3-19-13 to 4-2-13

UPDATE: One month post op update photos 4/18/13

UPDATE:First month Close up of the scar with bright lighting 4/23/13

UPDATE: Started Finasteride .25 three times a week. 4/29/13
























Edited by hairz
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Hi hairz,Good luck in Ottowa.You have selected one of the best.I hope you get that results you want.Im booked in 12 weeks time with Dr Rahal myself.im just saving my money at the moment.Rahal's results look amazing so the long wait for you should be worth it.

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Congratulations on coming so close to realizing your goals. Please keep us posted as you embark on the next phase of your hair restoration journey.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Well done to you for saving hard and making this happen. I know that it has been a long road, but it will end up being one the best decision that you have ever made and you will have no regrets! Best of luck moving forward with this. Rahal is the best!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What has Dr Rahal recommended to you? Plan of action, number of grafts? Future planning? How old are you? From the photos, you still have a good amount of hair, and it appears to have good characteristics. Dr Rahal would be able to achieve an amazing transformation, no question!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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What has Dr Rahal recommended to you? Plan of action, number of grafts? Future planning? How old are you? From the photos, you still have a good amount of hair, and it appears to have good characteristics. Dr Rahal would be able to achieve an amazing transformation, no question!



I am 27 years old and was recommended 2,800 grafts.


The plan is to have 60-70 grafts per sq/cm for the hair line and for the frontal zone he would go down to around 50-55 grafts per sq/cm using more 2,3 and 4 hair follicles.


For the future I would have around 7,000 grafts to play with.


I was thinking to go up to 3,500 grafts to cover more area in the back. I will ask Dr. Rahal when I meet him. What are your thoughts on that?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hey guys! I have an update for you. I will also keep all my updates on the first post so no one will have to scroll through the threads trying to find updates.

UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/18/13


I am in Ottawa now. It was an adventure getting here and was the first time I have flown in a plane. I was uncomfortable and squashed, security check points grilling me, missing my layover flight because of that and the pen breaking in my pocket didn't help my situation at all. But I can say that I made it safely, which is the most important part.


Sitting here at the brookline guest house and it is a bit cold. Mahesh (brookline management) took me to the store to grab some food for my stay, it was nice of him. I got bread, sandwich meat and cheese to make sandwiches, fruit and drinks and instant oatmeal too. Over all, the brookline is a nice place so I have no complaints.


Mahesh was nice enough to drop me off at Dr. Rahal’s office, after the grocery shopping. I was there to fill out forms before the big day. I am a bit apprehensive about the forms but I am a very cautious person. I know that all HT doctors will have the same forms and you must sign in order to proceed. I will talk to Dr. Rahal tomorrow and make sure our expectations are the same and if they are I will feel a lot more comfortable.


After all of that, I was exhausted an took a nap. Now, It is 10:50 PM and I don’t feel that sleepy. The big day is tomorrow at 6:30 AM. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or nervous about it. Wish me luck!

Edited by hairz
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3UPDATE: Added more to my Journey 3/19/13


Today is my surgery. I woke up at 3:00 AM and could not go back to sleep. My appointment is at 6:30 AM so I stayed awake for the remainder of the time. At about 4:00 AM I took a hot shower, soaking my head and washing it multiple times. I used a lot of deodorant just in case I started sweating from nerves ect.. After my shower I had a big breakfast that consisted of oatmeal, bread, fruit and lots of water. I brushed my teeth, watched a little tv, and then I was on my way over to Dr. Rahal’s office.


At The offices I met with Dr. Rahal. I showed him a few examples of his past work that I liked, told him to do what he thinks is best for me and that I know I will have future loss so he took all these things into consideration. He asked me a few questions and then took out a pen to do what he does best and design the hairline. Dr. Rahal started to draw the hairline and said he wants a nice hairline that is age appropriate yet conservative. He told me that I am going to need another HT in the future for the crown. He also told me that I would definitely need 3,500 grafts in order to achieve 50 grafts per sq/cm.


Then we went to take per-op photos and after I got I dressed for the surgery. We then headed over to the OR, my nerves started to kick in when I sat in the chair. They prepared my head and the doctor gave me the freezing shots. The shots were nothing in terms of pain. It was a light sting feeling but not bad at all. They began to take the strip out after the freezing set in. I could not feel a thing Dr. Rahal and his team repeatedly asked me how I was doing and if I felt anything to let them know. I did once feel a stinging feeling due to scar tissue (the doc said I may of hit my head when young) because of the scar tissue it needed a bit more freezing in that area but the problem was taken care of quickly. The overall pain scale of 1-10, I would say is a 2-3. I didn't experience any heavy pain.


After they removed the strip, Dr. Rahal started freezing my frontal area where the grafts would be placed. This also was a very slight sting but nothing to be scared of. Dr. Rahal let the freezing set in and the team began separating the grafts. When Dr. Rahal returned he started to make the incisions for graft placement and from here on out there was not much pain. When Dr. Rahal was finished with making the incisions, four nurses came to start the process of placing the grafts in the incisions that Dr. Rahal made.


At this time, I was falling in and out of sleep. Towards the end Dr. Rahal informed me that he would need to take a little more strip as it came up short on graft count (which is normal to happen). I then had a break and some lunch that they provided for me. After the break, Dr. Rahal then started the freezing again and took the strip in just a few minutes. The nurses placed the remainder of the grafts and all was finished.


From here on out it is a waiting game for the end results.


I can say everyone was nice and professional. Especially Mike, this guy is an awesome person and has a very good attitude! Thank you Dr. Rahal, Mike and the team!

Edited by hairz
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Sounds like it went smoothly!!


Congrats and now let the waiting begin. The next three months will be long, but you will do fine and it will be a journey that we will help you through!!


Looking forward to the pics


Thanks Eman!



Congrats! How many total hairs were moved?


Cant decide,

1 unit grafts 755

2 unit grafts 2089

3 unit grafts 788


total grafts 3632

total hair 7297



Waiting for the e-mail with the pictures. Will upload them as soon as I get them.



Thanks again guys!

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UPDATE: Added pre and post op pictures taken at Dr. Rahal's office 3/19/13 & 3/20/13


Here are the pictures. Let me know what you think. I have a little less in the crown than I thought I did. Hopefully meds help with that. Thanks!









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