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Presentation HIS HAIR CLINIC


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Hello to everybody,


My name is Escar and some of you probably already know me from my collaboration with Hair Transplant Clinics such HDC Clinic from Cyprus or CETA Clinic from Madrid. My history in the Hair field starts 10 years ago when I was butchered by a “Hair Transplant doctor” in Spain who instead to solve my upcoming problem of hairloss located in the temples, he destroyed my head and almost my life and future welfare doing a horrible procedure with results that could have killed the self-esteem of anyone for life. Fortunately after lots of research, time, money and energy invested and 3 repair procedures using Strip and FUE methods I achieved a normal appearance with apparently no hairloss or visible signs from previous procedures, except if I cut my hair too short, but here is when it appears in scene the Scalp Micropigmentation and His Hair Clinic, matter that I will elaborate in a later stage.


I'm here now to proudly announce my collaboration with the company called HIS HAIR CLINIC which are pioneers in the field of Scalp Micro Pigmentation, SMP.


This technique, is the most advanced non surgical procedure to treat bald areas and to create an illusion of hair, this method works specially well for a shaved head look, but it’s also suitable to be used to increase the appearance of density and coverage in areas with existing hair, to increase the illusion of density from an HT, to cover the white dots from an FUE procedure or to visually make disappear an scar from an Strip procedure.


The applications of the treatment can vary depending the circumstances and needs of every patient and the particular conditions of the case. The professionals of the clinic will study each case in particular and will provide the best advice to the patient in order to achieve the exact results that he is looking for, from a more defined hair line to a more soft, from a darker color to a lighter tone. Pigment colors and distribution rates will depend on the specific area of the scalp being treated at the time, the skin tone of the individual and the desired final appearance.


His Hair Clinic has a wide experience in the field of SMP and has been practising and developing the technique since more than 10 years ago, during this time numerous clinic trials were conducted and supported by clinical evidences in order to create the technique that we are offering nowadays, from an initial concept to a fully developed clinical procedure that provides amazing results and that actually changes the life of patient, increasing the self esteem and the self-confidence automatically.


The procedure usually takes from 2 to 3 sessions in order to produce the most possible natural result. His Hair Clinic is pioneer and original developer of this technique so we have the best knowledge and understanding of how this process works and how to do it in every case in order to achieve the most impressive results. No other company in the market can match our level of experience and expertise in the field of SMP.


All the pigments used at HIS HAIR are certified as hypoallergenic and plants based, they don’t consist of the metal salts commonly associated with tattoo inks. All the pigments are also especially formulated by our specialists and have a range of more than 100 different colors in order to achieve the perfect blend of shades and to exactly match the remaining “real” hair.


All the treatments are conducted in a safe and sterile environment using single use, triple cluster microfine needles of our own unique specification. Our pigments will maintain their color and definition, unlike other pigments that often turn green or blue or spread out within the dermis of the skin over time.


The scalp micropigmentation MHT® is also a flexible procedure which allows you to create now the hairline and density that you always desired, but that will also adapt to refresh the treatment later on in life if your circumstances and/or preferences may have changed.


With HIS Hair Clinic you are entrusting your scalp pigmentation treatment to the very best, most experienced and most highly regarded team in the business.

From now on I will start to post results and examples of our work periodically so you can understand better which kind of results we are producing and if this is what you would like to get for your own case.


If you have any question regarding the procedure and/or would like to discuss any matter related I’m at your disposition at any time.


Thank you,

I'm a hair transplant consultant since 2004 and I have been a patient few times, if you need assistance I'm here to help.

Consultant for HDC Clinic

Mail: escar@hdc.com.cy / Whatsapp: +34 644 728 567 / 

My case

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Welcome back to our community.


I believe quality scalp micropigmentation may have a place for a small niche of hair loss sufferers looking to conceal their hair loss rather than regrowing actual hair. However, like any available treatment, SMP comes with a list of advantages and disadvantages that all those considering this procedure should become familiar with ahead of time. I expect this sub-forum will help those considering the procedure to learn from interacting with other hair loss sufferers and SMP practitioners.


I look forward to seeing some examples of your clinic's scalp micropigmentation results and invite other clinics to feel free to do the same in the interest of patient education.


Best wishes,



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Hello Tacolinowest, no the SMP doesn't harm the native hair, you can have another strip if it was the case after the first SMP.


I will have my own SMP procedure in March, it will be done between the existing hair and the goals are to cover one strip scar, white dots from FUE and to densify some points of the top and to produce an homogeneous effect of density in general in the whole head.


I will post my case so we will be able to examine the result.


Thank you.

I'm a hair transplant consultant since 2004 and I have been a patient few times, if you need assistance I'm here to help.

Consultant for HDC Clinic

Mail: escar@hdc.com.cy / Whatsapp: +34 644 728 567 / 

My case

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