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23 years old girl suffering from hair loss


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I am a 23 years old girl and I have been suffering hair loss since last year.


Last summer i had experienced a very stressful courses from June. I started to realise my hair had become thinner around august. Since my hair has always been thin and fine, the sudden thinning makes me really worried.


I went to see some so call "hair expert" who sell very expensive treatment. I didn't continue because it was too expensive and doesn't really works. The hair expert said i hv diffuse hair loss and I m lack of iron. After that i started to eat more especially red meat and I also started taking supplement that is for women's hair skin and nails. (I have taken it for 3 months). After I stopped the treatment, i went to see doctor as I really want to find out the cause. Blood test were performed and everything turns out very normal (iron level, thyroid, etc). And the doctor told me it's because of stress. But I did not really think so as my hair didnt hv signs to grow back.


I went to see some other doctors. One of then told me it's because I have nose allergy so this makes me didnt sleep well and hence hair doesnt grow. Once again, I do not think this is the real trigger of my hair loss.


My hair loss continues. Around Nov to Dec, I found that my other body hairs are falling off more compared with the past. (Eg more nasal hair, eyebrows, pubic hair etc fall off, some short and fine body hairs also fall off , which I haven't experienced in the past.)


I then went to see the dermatologist last week. The derm diagnosed me with Male pattern hair loss. He prescribed me for 2% minoxidil. He said I have too use at least 3 bottles in order to see result. I have researched online and noticed that hair will fall once stopped using it so i do not really want to use it unless there are no other ways to help with my hair loss. I still believe there are some other cause for my hair loss. I may associate my period pain to my hair loss. I have irregular periods and very serious pain on the first day. I am not sure if this may be the cause.


Until now my hair loss still continuing. I do not really loss many many hair but it's more than in the past and my hair seems not growing back after it falls off. Also my short and fine hairs fall off as well.


Does anyone know about the potential cause of my hair loss?

If it is really male pattern hair loss, I think I may consider taking Minoxidil or Yasmin (hormones). Anyone hv tried these?

Can anyone help with some advise?


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Female hair loss is a very complicated issue. While minoxidil (Rogaine) will work in female hair loss sufferers, I think it's important to understand the root cause before treating. Because you've already seen several physicians (without a definite answer), I would probably recommend an appointment with an Endocrinologist. These physicians are highly trained in a variety of ailments associated with female hair loss, and may have the experience and training to recognize a condition that was previously missed.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Female hair loss is a very complicated issue. While minoxidil (Rogaine) will work in female hair loss sufferers, I think it's important to understand the root cause before treating.




How come my bottle of minoxidil (5%) says "Not to be Used by Women"? I thought this product was only safe for use with men?

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  • Senior Member
How come my bottle of minoxidil (5%) says "Not to be Used by Women"? I thought this product was only safe for use with men?


Rogaine makes two distinct products: Rogaine (in both the foam and liquid versions) and Rogaine for Women. Minoxidil is the key ingredient in both products, but while men's Rogaine is available in both the 2% minoxidil and 5% minoxidil concentrations, Rogaine for Women is only available as a 2% minoxidil solution.


Minoxidil is most commonly associated with three major side effects: low blood pressure (hypotension), "light headedness," and allergic skin reactions. Because these side effects are allegedly more common in women, the US Food and Drug Administration has only approved the less concentrated, 2% solution for women.


Therefore, technically the 5% solution is not "proven" safe and effective in women.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks dr..


I am from Hong Kong. I do not know where I can find dr that helps with hair loss.;(



It seems that you might have some underlying condition that could be triggering your hair loss. Check with a family doctor, or an endocrinologist in order to get an idea of what might be going on.


Please don't panic and buy some random expensive treatment. You need to find out what's going on.


And tone down the stress. :)

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  • Senior Member
I am a 23 years old girl and I have been suffering hair loss since last year.


Last summer i had experienced a very stressful courses from June. I started to realise my hair had become thinner around august. Since my hair has always been thin and fine, the sudden thinning makes me really worried.


I went to see some so call "hair expert" who sell very expensive treatment. I didn't continue because it was too expensive and doesn't really works. The hair expert said i hv diffuse hair loss and I m lack of iron. After that i started to eat more especially red meat and I also started taking supplement that is for women's hair skin and nails. (I have taken it for 3 months). After I stopped the treatment, i went to see doctor as I really want to find out the cause. Blood test were performed and everything turns out very normal (iron level, thyroid, etc). And the doctor told me it's because of stress. But I did not really think so as my hair didnt hv signs to grow back.


I went to see some other doctors. One of then told me it's because I have nose allergy so this makes me didnt sleep well and hence hair doesnt grow. Once again, I do not think this is the real trigger of my hair loss.


My hair loss continues. Around Nov to Dec, I found that my other body hairs are falling off more compared with the past. (Eg more nasal hair, eyebrows, pubic hair etc fall off, some short and fine body hairs also fall off , which I haven't experienced in the past.)


I then went to see the dermatologist last week. The derm diagnosed me with Male pattern hair loss. He prescribed me for 2% minoxidil. He said I have too use at least 3 bottles in order to see result. I have researched online and noticed that hair will fall once stopped using it so i do not really want to use it unless there are no other ways to help with my hair loss. I still believe there are some other cause for my hair loss. I may associate my period pain to my hair loss. I have irregular periods and very serious pain on the first day. I am not sure if this may be the cause.


Until now my hair loss still continuing. I do not really loss many many hair but it's more than in the past and my hair seems not growing back after it falls off. Also my short and fine hairs fall off as well.


Does anyone know about the potential cause of my hair loss?

If it is really male pattern hair loss, I think I may consider taking Minoxidil or Yasmin (hormones). Anyone hv tried these?

Can anyone help with some advise?



Hello eminlik,


I understand your concerns and angst. Female hair loss is a complicated issue and is a speciality in the centers I advocate for. I am posting some links here to help you inform yourself. Also, you can schedule a free Skype consult with Dr. Mohebi to advise you if you need. All the Best, Michael


Women Hair Loss at US Hair Restoration

Five Step Management of Hair Loss in Women

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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