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New to this Forum and need some urgent help

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Hello Friends,


I have not much knowledge about the HT but I did some basic research and an online consultation with Dr Madhu who advised that I would need 4000 grafts.


Now I travelled from quiet far off and had a personal consultation with him today--he said that since I am around 70% bald and the density of my donor area is not quiet thick he would presume that I would need more than 12000 grafts.However he has advised me not to go ahead with it since 4k grafts will only restore my front hairline and will make me look rather funny :mad:.


What are my options now? I have called Dr Radha and she said that after personal check she may do 1 session now and 1 session after 6 months of 4k each.


shall i just give up on my hope and return back.


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  • Senior Member

Hi there,


I guess it comes down to your expected outcome. Judging by your photo you have lost a hell of a lot of hair which means you're quite limited on what a Dr can do.


If you just want some hair on your head (even if very thin), which you could grow out an slick back, then this appears the only viable option.


If the Doc managed to get 4000+ grafts and put them all at the front then it would look a bit odd..

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Regular Member

hello Adam;


Imo to get the ideas of different experts would be better rather than sticking with just one in a topic which you are not qualified like them.While you are close and got time if i were you i would have a consultation with Dr. Radha and see what he have to say.


Other than ht options you have shaving off, hair systems,Scalp Micropigmentation(check on this forum) available that i know off.Sure there are some new treatments like Steam-Cell may come available in the near future which you can check on these forums.


All best!

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