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Dr Cooley 2,091 grafts

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This patient is in his 30's and has type 3A frontal loss. He wanted the most aggressive restoration possible to address the frontal-temporal recessions. We performed 2,091 grafts (1-523, 2-1076, 3-492, 4,151 hairs). The after photos are at one year. There is a slight bit of 'kinkiness' to the new hair that will smooth out over the next 6 months. This is more agressive than I would normally recommend but met the needs of this particular patient.















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Great result.


He had great hair already, and now it looks awesome.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I like it but thats not a NW3,how many grafts per cm2 please..


When you retrace his juvenile hairline from the front central point to the temporal point, you appreciate the significant degree of recession. This constitutes a '3' in my opinion, especially on his right side, but it is a subjective scale and others might call it a '2'.


The area covered over 40cm2, so the average density is less than 50/cm2, but that includes transplanting into existing hair where the density would be 20-30. Some areas received as much as 60/cm2.


Thanks for all the comments.

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