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Steroid use after transplant

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I am a pro bodybuilder who would like to get a transplant. I am wondering how long you should stay off cycle after you have had a transplant. I have heard many different ideas and theories on the subject. Some people say 4 weeks, some 8 weeks and some 6 months. Since the hair you are transplanting is programmed to not fall out, several people have told me you can start right after you have healed. As the transplant will cost big money and donor hair is limited, I do not wish to mess up any hair I transplant. Any help on this subject will be greatly appreciated. Doctors, I would especially like to hear from you. Thanks in advance and happy growing.

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I am a pro bodybuilder who would like to get a transplant. I am wondering how long you should stay off cycle after you have had a transplant. I have heard many different ideas and theories on the subject. Some people say 4 weeks, some 8 weeks and some 6 months. Since the hair you are transplanting is programmed to not fall out, several people have told me you can start right after you have healed. As the transplant will cost big money and donor hair is limited, I do not wish to mess up any hair I transplant. Any help on this subject will be greatly appreciated. Doctors, I would especially like to hear from you. Thanks in advance and happy growing.

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  • Senior Member

Having done a little research into hormone levels and DHT with MBP, if you are on steriods of any type whether androgen/test/HGH base-- you should stop all anabolic use for 2 months prior to HT to clean your system as well as start Propecia 2 months prior. Then you should stay off the cycles for at least 4-5 months after HT but continue Propecia. When you get back on a cycle, you probably should up your Propecia dose to 2x a day am/pm to block any addition hormones/steriods in the system from breaking down into DHT which will allow more "free form" in the blood which will give you the anabolic muscle effects you want but prevent the DHT effects which causes hairloss.

Even though the donor hair they transplant is "permanent hair" from the back-- steriods do cause even permanent hair to "thin" out like it naturally does when you are in your 60-70-80's.

Best of luck and if you do go forward you might want to plan for right after your last contest going into the off season.

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I have done many many cycles over a 3 year period. Luckily, I have stopped and haven't touched the stuff for over 2 1/2 years. If you are an actual Pro, then obviously stopping altogether is not an option for you, I understand that. However, I'm still going to tell you, if you don't want to lose your hair...you've got to stop the juice. Plain and simple. Sure you can slow it down and stay on top of it with transplants, rogaine and propecia, but your testosterone levels are so incredibly high, your hair will continue to thin.


Look, some guys are immune to it... Levrone,Priest,Gunter,Yates etc. etc. But then you have guys like Nasser, and Flex (who has to shave his head) and a bunch of others who are most likely bald from this. Especially if you're taking anadrol or something very potent like that. So anyway, if you really really want to keep your hair and get it back, you will most likely have to stop. If you don't care all that much and you want to blow the other guys off stage, then by all means keep going. But maybe you should stop and do the natural shows??? Stopping was the greatest thing I've ever done.

Good Luck

Jeff Bowers

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  • Senior Member

Hi Neutronman,


Welcome to this forum! Alot of information provided here in this thread however I want to offer you a comment that you probably are already aware of and probably have heard from your doctors.


Long-term steroid use in any form is ill advised and can have grave consequences in the long run. I did note that you are a "professional" and so this may be hard for you to compromise at present, especially involving your occupation.


The production of testosterone really dips down in men reaching post 30's in age. It may not show up initially but as you get older, your body will need all that much more to maintain the muscle mass. I don't know how old you are nor how long you have been maintaining this regimen, but for whatever it's worth, at some point you will have to cease it or they will take their toll. Possibly you have plans to be a trainer in the coming years.


Please understand I am not trying to tell you how to live your life, it's just that I have seen some men very adversly affected by steroid use including terminal situations. Best wishes to you.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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