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Hey, I am here for help. If you believe staples are superior and can explain a logical reason to me as to why then I would follow your advice. That is why I am here. I prefer sutures which I am basing on my educational background and experience. And yes, you better be difficult and make sure the most appropriate techniques and planning are being used when it comes to surgery on your head.

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Wow, your posts baffle me.


I think Dr. Rahal was lucky for being unable to operate on you, you seem very difficult.



I would consider Dr Rahal fortunate at this point!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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Convenience. Using sutures is a very intricate and artistic process and it takes time and skill to use them appropriately. The people replying to these forums could probably staple your incision.


Interesting. I really dont know much about sutures vs staples. I will say that I have had two surgeries and both surgeons used staples and I honestly feel I am scar-free in every practical sense. I have had people literally search for my scars with their hands running thru my hair and it takes them awhile to find the "scars". I was surprised last week when I got a haircut I asked my hairdresser to try and find the "scar" from my August 14, 2012 surgery at Hasson & Wong and he started looking and was was like "ummm let see...umm I dont see it...let me look...and after really looking he finally found it and said "gosh that is not hardly noticeable even looking for it close-up". In my mind, for most people, scars are way, way, way over-rated as a worry unless you use a 2nd rate surgeon or you plan to shave completely bald at some point down the road.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Interesting. I really dont know much about sutures vs staples. I will say that I have had two surgeries and both surgeons used staples and I honestly feel I am scar-free in every practical sense. I have had people literally search for my scars with their hands running thru my hair and it takes them awhile to find the "scars". I was surprised last week when I got a haircut I asked my hairdresser to try and find the "scar" from my August 14, 2012 surgery at Hasson & Wong and he started looking and was was like "ummm let see...umm I dont see it...let me look...and after really looking he finally found it and said "gosh that is not hardly noticeable even looking for it close-up". In my mind, for most people, scars are way, way, way over-rated as a worry unless you use a 2nd rate surgeon or you plan to shave completely bald at some point down the road.


Correct. And that's surgery from 2 Golden Follicle award winners!!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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Our physicians use both types - sutures and staples depending on the patient's laxity and tissue. Staples give better support when there's tension. Technically, I or the people replying on this site could suture as well as staple, however, the scar probably wouldn't look very good. Staples may look easy and I suppose it despends on the physician doing the stapling but it's more intricate than you realize. Dr. Shapiro actually relies on an asstant when stapling to help him approximate the skin together than when he's suturing. One is not easier than the other, imo if you're looking to produce the thinnest scar possible.

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I'd like to add that when Dr. Shapiro started using the staples, I didn't like it.

I handle our patients' post op questions & concerns and many of these patients who had staples complained that they'd experience more discomfort while trying to sleep. They endured it of course, but in the end, they appreciated that they had a nice donor scar. They felt it was worth the discomfort. It's not to say they wouldn't have gotten a good scar had sutures been used but its really up to our physicians to decide which closure technique is best for the individual. There are some patients who opt for one method over the other and our docs will accommodate unless they strongly feel staples are necessary due to a tight closure.

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FUEsday....just curious how many grafts are you shooting for....I am trying to guage scar size.... and how old are you?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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I'm sure Dr. Rahal wants to make sure all his patients concerns are met before performing any procedure as any ethical physician would and longs for positive results for all his patients. He said he would be happy to perform a strip on me if I decided to go that route. I know he uses stitches and is very skilled in doing so as I have seen and touched his scars in person. Very impressive. Like you guys say, SOME of the top surgeons are using staples, but most are using sutures.


The resulting scar is one of the biggest concerns in a FUT surgery and proper closure technique is a factor that can contribute to scarring. My preference for sutures also stems from the fact that they cause less pain, which I don't think anyone would argue with.

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It depends on the approach taken. I am only 26. If I wanted perfect hair right now then I'd need 3500-4500 grafts, but I know that is probably not the best approach as no one can say for sure how much worse my hair will get. Being more conservative I could get good coverage with 1500-2000 grafts which is why I like Dr. Beehners plan. There is also another FUE Dr. In Atlanta that wants to leave the crown for now and reinforce the front and temples with 1400 grafts. Any advice would be appreciated.

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I have to agree with FUEsday here, it's obvious stitches are better than staples. You simply cannot get as close to each side of the incision with staples as you could with stiches. Staples seem outdated and maybe for someone who needs 500 staples in there leg after a car accident. Stitches are more intricate and take much more time.

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the tri closure method of stitches.


What's tri closure method?

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FUEsday...It's so good you are doing your homework, but also try to keep an open mind on some of these issues and don't box yourself in by thinking in absolutes.


When I started looking into this I had some "absolutes" that changed drastically the more I studied and heard people out on this site. I only was looking for a doctor that did not shave down, but after realizing how minor that shave down is in the big long term picture that absolute melted away. I also did not want to travel, but after study I ended up going all the way to Vancouver BC from Texas. I was also very concerned about post-op appearance after a mega-session and it really has not been an issue.


Personally I agree with what Dr. Feller says about FUE. Have you seen his short video discussing the role of FUE? If not check it out below:





Your age is both a plus and a minus. It's good you see the value in having a conservative approach. Yes you can't fully predict your future pattern of hair loss, but you also are young enough where you can realistically expect major advances in hair restoration that will make many of the issues we are discussing meaningless.


You currently taking meds like Propecia and Minoxidil on a very regular basis and how long have you been doing this?


I have not seen your hairloss, but personally I would try to do more than 1400 grafts to have more of an impact. Maybe try and get 2000.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Also I have seen a patient at the rahal guesthouse that had a strip with Dr. Feller and I could see every staple mark placed. Looked terrible. That is why he was going to rahal this time for his 3rd FUT, and also to revise the scar. Also had the opportunity of seeing a Hanson and Wong scar and was not impressed. Not sure what he uses. Dr. Rahals technique is unmatched from what I've seen using sutures.

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^LOL. I thought I was the only one. Seems like some doctors have not caught up with the times. No one responds if you need advice but everyone argues if you say something that isn't perfectly representing a doctor. Unfortunately not everyone can be number one.

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I've noticed, I've been a long time lurker. The second someone posts there results and aren't happy everyone jumps on the doctors side. I feel bad for these people who shelled out thousand of dollars who aren't pleased, and than have to hear everyone stick up for the doctor so they can continue to advertise and get more business.

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Shampoo, would you recommend FUT for me over FUE then.


FUEsday....I can't recommend FUT over FUE for you because I have never seen you, your family history, ect...and I think each patient must decide for themselves after much study which "game-plan" suits them and their budget best. Personally I believe FUT was the best answer in my case. It's possible I would consider FUE to touch up my crown down the road if needed.


I know there are lots of discussions/disagreements on FUT vs FUE, and like I said I agree with Dr. Feller's thoughts on the matter. Like Dr. Feller I see FUE as a very effective tool in some cases, but not even close to being the "gold standard" of current hair transplantation. FUT is much cheaper and seems to be a more effective way to combat large areas of hairloss that need a large volume of grafts. In my mind FUE is more to treat a small specific area of thinning, not a way for most patients to treat large adavancing areas of balding.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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