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Hairline growing into a side parting?

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  • Senior Member

I have noticed quite a few results on here where the hair at the front is displayed in a side parting. Is this due to styling by the patient or is it something which cannot be controlled, where the grafts just sometimes grow that way?

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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If at all possible I always look for any remaining hairs (even if only a few) to help give me guide (road map) to angle and direction of the grafted hairs. It is probably just more common for adults to comb the hair to either the left or the right rather than combing the hair straight back or forward. A more neutral position should be the goal in most cases.

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