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As I research more about SMP..

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There are many variables that can change the result of the procedure.


However, I think most of the people here are mostly curious about is it detectable and how long can you use your hair. Joe had made a comment about it in previous threads and here is what I think ;


Beauty Medical, Milena Lardi says that her work achieves sort of "3-d" look and the best result of her work can be seen between the length of 0.1-0.5 mm. So this means that her SMP does not require razor shaving, I use a clipper with 0.1 mm length and shave my head once a week.


When I look at Milena's results on italian forums , i noticed that many of the clients had their treatment with their natural hairs relatively longer than other SMP companies (I am talking about full blown nw6-7's) and I see that the treated area and the sides have a contrast difference. My question is, Is this her trick to make her work look more 3-D based? I mean if the patient shaves his head with 0.1 mm clipper , it looks the best. However, when it comes at 0.5 mm , it doesn't look "weird" but looks like a diffuse thinner. Is this what Spex and Joe excited about Milena's work rather than others? I mean when you look at other companies such as HIS , GLI , NHI it looks good with a certain length ,with HIS it is razor shaved. After 2-3 days when your real hair grows, it is impossible to hide your "tattoo" because it becomes evident.


I may sound silly or stupid but I just like to understand the procedure and what can be accomplished with it.

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i feel the same way , alot of unanswerd questions about smp,would a stand alone smp look good ,or would smp with fue combination work better ,i never scene a person with smp in person ,so i have no idea what it would look like,will the ink pattern blend with your regular hair .when shaved down, this is a silly question but would it be possible to have smp,and if you diddnt like it you could wear a hairpiece untill it fades away, would it be safe for your scalp , i know its a far fetch idea but , i want to look at all options 1st hairtransplant 2nd smp with fue 3rd hairpiece,

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The difference I saw when I first witnessed results in person was that it wasn't as fake looking at the work I'd seen from other clinics. During our last trip to Europe in March, 2012 I saw the work of several leading clinics and I was not only unimpressed but my overall feeling of SMP at the time was only reinforced in that the results look like a bunch of ink splotches on the scalp. But then I saw some results that looked pretty good and it got me curious. This is before I had met Milena (on the same trip) and when I asked the Italian patients who did the work they told me "Beauty Medical".


As far as a 3D effect goes, there is no substitute for hair so skin bald guys will still have the limitation of "only" having a 2D effect. It can look good but never overestimate what this can do else you will be disappointed when you run your hand over your scalp and you still don't feel stubble.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thank you for the quick and honest answer. Hope you are well by the way:)


Now , i'd like to tell to you and both spex how i feel about this and need to correct myself if im wrong;


İ have been looking for the option of smp for 3 years now and i have seen many pictures and read many articles about it. İ got in contact with 2 of the major clinics and saw one of their practioner who had the procedure (HİS clinic in London). İ was always seeking the question of to have a look of a diffuse thinner with a good hairline, not for a skin head razor shaved too much densty look, subtle and non noticable change that no people can recognise but makes me happy in myself. Until you guys mentioned Milena , i could not get what i want from other clinics.


The first time i saw the results of her i really didnt like it. Procedure seemed very "yelllowish" and it looked like the pigments does not match with the follicles on the sides. But more and more results i have seen and especially after yesterday that spex put skr's result , i am nearly sure that Milena is doing something slightly different from other smp companies.


She creates sort of a "depth" on a bald scalp. İ am not saying dots are 3 dimensional , but the area she worked on ( i am talking for a nw6 completely bald cases) gains a perception of depth. İ guess she is doing it by not trying to match the exact replication of the real follicle on the sides. So with this, her results are best seen between the length of 0.1- 0.5 mm. Maybe its not "straight " and sharp looking as the other companies results , but between those lengths , it does not look " awkward" . Maybe thats why all the results in italian forum the patiens have slightly longer hair on sides. She wants to see the average color in the lengths of 0.1- 0.5 mm and trying to match it.


İ may sound stupid and crazy or i am just making some conspiracy theories but from my observations , i really like to believe that this is the fact that you guys liked about Milena's work.


So the question is, am i right????


Ps: the lengts that i mentioned are on one of the milenas post s in italian forum . İ google translated it, feel free to translate my post to Milena if she is still in US.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I'd like to apologize for not responding sooner. I've been quite busy of late with travel and an overload of patient interest.


I'm not sure where you saw results that looked yellowish as I have never seen this myself, in photos or in person. I think your observation about requiring longer hair makes sense. If we have a patient that offers to shave their head before surgery, all over their scalp and not just on top, we ask them not to so we can see the characteristics of the hair before we do the procedure. This is something that is preferred for SMP as well because it is very difficult to see the actual color if the patient's hair is shaved. We can tell if it is dark or light but that is about it.


I know Milena doesn't just apply "dots" to the scalp. She does have a specific "flick of the writst" so to speak for how some of the ink is applied. I don't understand it fully but this is what I believe is responsible for your observations of the not quite 3D but better than 2D effect you mention.


I hope this answers your question.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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