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Which first, Toppik or Couvre

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Both Couvre and Toppik are topical concealers and work differently. However, is there any particular reason you want to wear both at the same time? I do agree that if you intend on wearing both that you should apply Couvre first. This masking lotion can create less of a color contrast ratio between your hair and scalp and then toppik should aid in a thicker appearance of your hair.


You can buy both COUVre and Toppik via our online hair loss treatment shop.


Best wishes,



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Well, after I read the post here, I started using couvre first. I haven't tried using toppik first. I am still not sure why you would want to use couvre first.


As for why I would use both, I think you look fuller by using a little of both rather than twice as much of just one. They work in different ways. Couvre is make up that makes your scalp black, so that you don't see such a contrast between my black hair and pale scalp. It is a bit messy especially the less bald you are. And it takes awhile to put on. The problem with couvre is you really want it only on your scalp, but there is no way to avoid getting some on your hair. And the more hair you have, the more couvre will get on your hair instead of scalp.


Toppik you want on your hair. It is tiny fibers that attach to the hair and make them look thicker. It is less messy and quicker to put on. If you were going to do only one, I would use Toppik. But as I have gotten balder and balder, I have now added Couvre.


I must say a Couvre / Toppik application will make you look thicker than a 5,000 graft transplant.


They do a good job on the crown, but as far as lowering your hair line, Toppik does nothing. Couvre does just a little because you can put the make up in the corners and try to brush some hair down over it. I wish I could figure out something to lower my hair line in the center, to supplement transplants. For the transplant I had my doctor was conservative. He put most of the 2700 grafts in the front third of the face, but higher up, not lowering my hairline any except in the corners. He didn't want me to have a halo of grafted hair, if I bald further.

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