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Hairline Advancement or Hair Transplant

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  • Regular Member

Ok. I have had several consults to see which is best for me. My goal is to have my hairline advanced. I've been told that I probably have 80-90 per cm2 density. I would prefer not to have the surgical hairline advancement but am concerned that the transplanted hair won't match my natural density. The other concern is that I will probably have thinning as I get older and this will basically reveal the scar from surgery, and ultimately require a transplant. Any advice would be really appreciated.

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  • Senior Member

The scar from surgery in the back of your head should not be noticeable as that hair in most people will not thin out. If your doctor is saying that you will experience thinning in the donor area than you are not a good candidate in my opinion. Also 80-90 grafts per square centimeter is very high especially if you're already concerned with graft amounts in your donor area. If you are noticing thinning in the donor area you should use rogaine and propecia to help regrow that area and keep what you have. Try to get some other opinions from other recommended doctors from the forum. You can either visit them in person or see if they have online consultations.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Regular Member

Just to clarify. The area where the transplanted hair is in front of natural hairline, which I was told is 80-90 cm2. The area to be corrected is probably 4.5 cm2. I'm concerned the transplanted hair will not match my natural hairline. Thanks

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  • Regular Member

Hey Mike, some of your concerns are correct. In one HT, even the best of the best can't come close to your original hair density. The hair will match perfectly because it's your hair, but you should plan on doing it twice if you want nice density. I had my front hairline moved up 3/4ths of an inch, and had the receding sides filled in. I recently had a second HT bumping up another 1/4" bringing the move up to 1" total. It's looking killer at 4 months. One donor scar, and my wife can't even find it. That scar will never be a problem in the future. As long as you go to a good reputable doc, HT's work like a charm.

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