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2 Weeks Post op thoughts! Dr. Rahal


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Hey guys,

I will be 2 weeks post op on Tuesday. I am actually dreading the stitches removal. The areas with them are quite sensitive. Is it best to take pain killers before i go?

I started developing valleys after a week. Nothing has fallen out yet. Maybe in the next few days?

So far i guess its ok since i am used to it now. I keep thinking i screwed up with my head bunking and accidently brushing my grafts against the pillow/hands while sleeping. I just wanted the best result!

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,

I will be 2 weeks post op on Tuesday. I am actually dreading the stitches removal. The areas with them are quite sensitive. Is it best to take pain killers before i go?

I started developing valleys after a week. Nothing has fallen out yet. Maybe in the next few days?

So far i guess its ok since i am used to it now. I keep thinking i screwed up with my head bunking and accidently brushing my grafts against the pillow/hands while sleeping. I just wanted the best result!

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I am two months post op with Rahal. I found the stitch removal pain free. I actually couldn't wait to get them out. Hopefully you don't get the insane itching that I got for the weeks that followed.


Anyways good luck and I wouldn't worry about the pain.

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if it hurts it will only hurt for 10 minutes or so.


do not take pain killers, it is unnecessary .


as for the grafts shedding, I still had a lot at 4 weeks and still more at 6. it will happen eventually.



do not worry! you are probabally fine. the grafts are sensitive, but not as much as one would think. aswell, you went ot a good clinic, so your results will be good unless you seriously do some damage to your scalp.


good luck.

2998 grafts/ Dr. Rahal/ 9/11/2007


My Hair Loss Weblog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Rahal


Pretty damn happy

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ahhh danny is just a wimp (j/k)!!


I had zero pain for suture removal, but at the two week mark and still having pain you may be a little uncomfortable. But it is not as bad as you think.


I had not just valleys like you are talking about, but grand canyons...which is totally normal. The crusts will last a little longer than most others around here due to Dr. R's post-op instructions being a tad more conservative.


Sheds like danny said last a while, some soldiers simply hold on longer than others. Not to worry.


Finally, at two weeks those hairs are secure in the scalp even if you cannot see them (shedding).

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Today (monday) I am two weeks post op. I am going into Rahal's office today to get my stitches removed (2pm). I cant wait! I want them out of there so bad its not even funny! They dont hurt or anything but I want to buzz the rest of my hair (which Rahal will be doing). Then I feel I can get back to normal life activities i.e. work with a hat on my head!


I also have crusts and valleys like crazy! Last night I found some of them falling out and it is getting much better. I think it is from all the Vitamin E Dr. Rahal clients have to put on the grafts!


From what I can see most Rahal patients are crust free around week 3ish.


I will let you know about the pain with the stitches, however it cant be anything like the HT and its for only 10 minutes!


All the best to you and all the Rahal clan!




3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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Canadian buba what was it like!!!?? tell me

I am getting them removed tomorrow. I wish i had stayed in Ottawa and followed up with Dr. Rahal ... then i wouldn't worry. But anyways that Danny guy scared me 10 minutes of pain... icon_confused.gif

Thats a lot longer than i expected!

Anyways just curious why is Dr. Rahal so conservative? I would imagine most people wanna get rid of those things! in 2 weeks...I mean they are secure so why not?

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It was nothing! It took less than 5 minutes for me, they slide right out! Put polysporon on it the night before and wash it clean before you go and get them out, the donor area will be moist and it helps to make it easier.


Dont worry about it! Cant wait to see the pics! Post soon please!




3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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