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help finding cost effective surgeon

alex west

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I am set on hair transplant surgery, there no question on that.

However, due to the economy I am doing my research on finding

a, affordable surgeon without compromising quality.

I've narrowed my picks to three Dr.Rahal, Dr.Ron Shapiro or maybe

Dr.Mejia. I am looking to get about 2500 to 3000 graft, from

the hairline back. Any insight on cost,quality or any input

that would help me make my decision will greatly appreciated.

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  • Senior Member

I know it sounds cliche, but definitely do not 'skimp' out on a transplant due to cost. If you did end up choosing a poor surgeon who was cheap (total hypothetical), you could end up spending far more in the long run to fix sub-par work. Remember too that quality does not equate to price. Many of the best doctors on this site charge pretty conservative rates, so you should not have an issue. As far as the physicians you have listed, they are excellent and will give you the greatest chance of a good result. Maybe you can do some online consults with the doctors and see which best matches your expectations + price range? Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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You really need to go with who you feel is going to do the best job. Follow your gut. You would be better off waiting a little longer to save the money and go with your first choice, than choosing the doctor based only on the cheapest price. By the way I am friends with both Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Mejia and they both do really nice work.

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  • Regular Member

having been on this and other sites I can tell you that cost is NOT always a good indicator of how a transplant will look. Dont be fooled thinking if you pay "top dollar" you get any better result than an average priced surgeon. Id find someone in the average price range and look at their results and make a decision based on that.


Theres really good docs all over the world but most are US based. (at least those that post results)

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