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HT, Finasteride, Rogaine and side effects


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Hi all, I have receeding hairline and slight loss at crown. I have a HT booked in for the middle of May and I have also been taking 1mg finpecia daily as well as using rogaine foam.

The problem is my sex drive has been reduced to virtually nothing and I am desperate to sort it out.

I am considering a few options and would love some advice from some of the more experienced board members if possible.

1 option I am thinking is to just take finpecia 3 times per week (Mon, Wed, Fri)

Another option I am thinking is that maybe after my HT I will be OK just using the foam to keep what I already have as I am not losing my hair at an alarming rate ( I am 39 and have been losing it gradually for about 12 years, the finpecia and rogaine foam seem to have slowed it down to a virtual stop.

Ideally I will stop taking the finpecia but was just wondering what others thought, can lowering it to 3 times per week have a positive effect on hair retention as well as stopping the low libido side effect?

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  • Regular Member

Hi Barry


I'm glad you've asked this question as I'm going through something similar myself

Ive been on fin 1 mg daily for 10 months now and recently my libido gas fallen off a cliff

I've also noticed some drying out if the skin.when I started fin my sex drive was really high

And I was taking quinagolide to counteract high prolacatin which made my libido even higher

As it raises testosterone i stopped quinagolide 6 months ago and my sex drive was still quite high.

I was considering just taking half a tablet per day hopefully this would help with the libido

And the skin.

I've just had a Ht so I don't want to risk coming off the fin and start losing hair behind the transplant


Barry be careful if you come off and still have a Ht as you could end up chasing your tail trying to stop the loss.


I too would love some advice on this

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  • Senior Member

I take Finasteride in the morning and Avodart in the evening. Compared to Finasteride, NOTHING should kill libido like Avodart. It is substantially stronger than Finasteride. I also take Spironolactone, which is an antiandrogen.


That said, my wife and I get intimate at least 15 days out of 30. Considering I am 41, you can see why I usually ignore people's claims of lost libido with these posts.


Barry, according to your profile you are either 38 or 39. If you are a true NW3 consider yourself very lucky. I've seen a few on this board in their 20's at a NW7.


Yes, Finasteride can cause watery semen. The longer you are on a medication the more side effects will subside. PLEASE BELIEVE THIS!! It is true for any meds. Your body will adjust.


I see you are booked with a HT with Dr. Path in May. He is one of the most outstanding physicians on this site. You will be pleased!


Also, Rogaine, even at the 5 percent dose, doesn't cause systemic effects unless you are going way overboard on the recommended dosage.


I wish you luck!!

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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