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hair products after surgery

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I am 3 and a half weeks post 1st surgery, I am 46 y-o norwood 6, since my transplant I have had no shedding yet and have lots of little hairs growing on top of my head where there hasn't been for years, people are commenting on how better I look already, my question is hair products to hide baldness/thinning hair, am I safe to use these products so soon after my ht?, I have just ordered toppik hair building fibers, toppik hair spray and sammy fat hair creme, I won't use any of them if there's any danger but if they are safe I'd like to try them and see if they work, what I spent on them is very small compared to the cost of my ht, so got nothing to lose by giving it a try, read lots of favourable reviews online before ordering these products but as I said if any of these products can interfere with my newly placed grafts then I won't be putting them anywhere near my head, I realise I am very early to try this but without hair for so long I am curious to see what is achievable once my grafts have fallen out and regrown, be great if someone can advise me on this.

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  • Regular Member

Wrapper, I am nearly 3 weeks post op. I started using Toppik starting about 5 days after the procedure. I do this when I go to work. I was advised to shower/shampoo when I got home. I've had no adverse reactions to this. However, If you have an bleeding, I wouldn't use Toppik.


I'm in the same boat as you, waiting for growth! Steve

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  • Senior Member

I think you will be fine, however, I would sure make sure that you wash it out every night before you go to bed...Also, I wouldn't cake it on.....I know there are some theories out there that say toppik can clog the new hair growth...I don't know if thats true, personally I don't think it is, but I always err to the side of caution..


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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  • Senior Member

I wouldn't use toppik until 6 months! that stuff locks into the little divets made by your surgeons slits and is very hard to get out, i have seen quite a few pictures where it has got so stuck in the slit divets that it has caused a infection and virtually ruined the job it's really not worth it so early on. Obviously the better your surgeon the less chance of it getting in divets as a good surgeons would be very shallow if a divet at all.


Also i personally believe that toppik on the scar irritates the scar and makes it flare up red which makes your scar worse and longer healing but i have seen people use it on the scar early and not complain of any problems so the scar is more my own theory.

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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  • Regular Member

thanks bonkerstonker, if there's pictures on the internet of this stuff causing damage then I won't use it, I'll put it away in a cupboard and use it in 6 months, shame, I've just got it and wanted to see what I looked like with hair on top of my head for the first time in many years, just have to be patient, something which you need in this game!!!!

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  • Senior Member

Yes mate no point in taking the smallest risk. Have a look on jotronics personal website I think there's a video or pictures on there if I remember correctly as I've seen example somewhere quite recently his sites a good read anyway if not.

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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