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Female 1,500 grafts

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This woman was in her mid 60's and had typical female pattern hair loss. As expected, the donor reserves were limited: there was a patch of good quality hair in the back/center of the scalp, but the quality and density deteriorated significantly moving forward. Therefore, only a limited restoration was possible. Results are 16 months after 1,517 grafts (3,741 hairs) to the frontal scalp. The area covered was around 80 cm2 so the density overall was less than 20 grafts/cm, which generally is quite low. However, the density in certain areas was higher (mid frontal) than others (eg temporal hairline), so the overall effect was acceptable improvement, particularly with careful styling. Now that the laxity has returned, she plans to have one more procedure to add some density. This case is fairly typical for my older females with female pattern hair loss.










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Dr. Cooley,


While the transplanted density may be lower, the cosmetic improvement is noticeable especially when styled to her liking. I think the photo I referenced below really shows the fine quality of the job. I trust that one more procedure will provide her with an even fuller look.




Nice work!



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