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Could somebody give me some answers???

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Hi everybody,


Three months ago I had a hair transplant, using the older method with transplanting small grafts (2-6 hair follicles per graft). I have transplanted around 3200 follicles, and in the next couple of months I will have another transplantation of 3200 follicles. The hair has started growing, and although I am thrilled that I can see the result I know it should get even better with time, and after the second transplant. My doctor also advised me that if I want it to look even better I could dye my hair a little bit lighter (I am dark blond). Can anybody tell me from personal experience what can I really expect, and give me some tips? I am 25 year old, and I've started loosing my hair when I was 16, so for years I was frustrated about it. I am aware it will never look as if I have not lost my hair at all, but I just don't know what's the best result I can hope for... Thanks everybody icon_smile.gif

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Hi everybody,


Three months ago I had a hair transplant, using the older method with transplanting small grafts (2-6 hair follicles per graft). I have transplanted around 3200 follicles, and in the next couple of months I will have another transplantation of 3200 follicles. The hair has started growing, and although I am thrilled that I can see the result I know it should get even better with time, and after the second transplant. My doctor also advised me that if I want it to look even better I could dye my hair a little bit lighter (I am dark blond). Can anybody tell me from personal experience what can I really expect, and give me some tips? I am 25 year old, and I've started loosing my hair when I was 16, so for years I was frustrated about it. I am aware it will never look as if I have not lost my hair at all, but I just don't know what's the best result I can hope for... Thanks everybody icon_smile.gif

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I don't know the right term, so I'll try to explain what type of procedure I had. A stripe of skin was removed from the donor area on the back of my head, and was separated to small grafts (2mm) containing 2-6 hair follicles. The doctor made 800 holes on my head, and placed the grafts in them. with this I got about 3200 hair follicles transplanted. The operation is done in Serbia by doctor Nina Sijan, which has done hundreds of hair transplants, and is the best doctor in this part of Europe when it comes to hair transplant. As far as I am informed, another procedure is possible 2 months after the first one, but it's better to wait 6 months. I had the first done 3 month ago.

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  • Senior Member

I second that Leeson. Stay away from that Doctor. You will regret it in the end. The only reason you are told to dye your hair is so that the "plugginess" of your procedure will be diminished.


It takes 12 months to see the full results of a transplant. Why would you jump into another with this doctor until you see the full results of the first. Also, she is using extremely outdated techniques that are likely not going to give you a very natural result.


Stay stay stay away from her. She is not acting in your best interest. I dont care if she "is the best in this part of Europe". Go to a part of Europe or the US where they are using the proper up-to-date procedures.


None of us want to see you back here in 8 months talking about how you are unhappy with your 2nd transplant and wish you would have listened. If you go ahead with this Doctor I can almost gaurantee you this will be the case.



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