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Toppik Post-Op?


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I'm just wondering if it's okay to use Toppik 3 weeks post-op until the hair grows in enough? Or will this hinder my overall results? I'd like to keep concealing my hairloss, but if it will possibly hinder my end results I'm not gonna risk it. Thanks for your time docs...



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I'm just wondering if it's okay to use Toppik 3 weeks post-op until the hair grows in enough? Or will this hinder my overall results? I'd like to keep concealing my hairloss, but if it will possibly hinder my end results I'm not gonna risk it. Thanks for your time docs...



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  • Senior Member

Dear "Danger,"

We have our patients use Toppik even during that first week. I am not aware of any toxic qualities of the chemicals to the grafts. The main point is that the patient has to be gentle in his/her shampooing technique those first several days, gently using the balls of the fingers to rub in the shampoo, etc. and not letting a shower spray that is too hard to directly hit the graft sites. We also recommend DermMatch often, which also can be carefully used even during that first week, if it's important and necessary for that person to get back to work and be unrecognized as a hair transplant patient.

The wonderful thing about Toppik is that a person with just a single sessions's growth or someone who has some scattered fine hairs all over even just after a first HT can use the Toppik and make it look like there is three times as much hair mass on his head.

Another good camouflage pointer for persons who have to get back to work early, is to use "base makeup" touches on any reddish dots that may remain where the FU's were placed, so that it looks like the normal skin in that area (especially helpful near the temples and front hairline).

Mike Beehner, M.D.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Senior Member

Toppiks does not clogg the pores or fu of the scalp as it is mostly protein. However, I will be cautious with any "spray" item until a couple of months after HT-- to make sure not to interfere with regrowth.

Dermatch is recommended by most HT surgeons after 4 weeks if needed.

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