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Before and after one procedure of 1794 grafts by Dr. William Rassman of NHI.

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Hi and happy new years everyone! For our last post of this year, we wanted to talk a bit about Black/African American hair. Whereas Caucasian and Asian hair follicles tend to be in the scalp in a straight line, perpendicular to the scalp surface, black hair is a lot more curly and so the follicles tend to be actually curly under the scalp as well! As you might expect, this can make hair transplantation more difficult because you have to be much more careful not to cut into the follicle if you're removing them via an FUE procedure, and you have to be very careful when separating the follicles from a strip if you're doing that kind of procedure. And on top of all that, you have to implant them at an angle as well.


So, considering the difficulties of this kind of procedure, and the fact that the only real way to make sure that it's done right is to simply be very skilled at the procedure, not all of these procedures can be done by all doctors. I won't harp on it much here, but you probably know that Dr. Rassman is a very big proponent of being an educated patient and really making sure that you check the previous work of any doctor you choose to make sure they can do the type of procedure you're interested in. Nobody wants to be a guinea pig right?


So, as promised, here's before and after one procedure of 1794 grafts to fill in a class 4 norwood pattern. Have a happy and safe NYE everyone! See you again in 2012!













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  • Regular Member
Looks good!! Why only 1800 grafts??


That's one of the secret bonus's of African hair. Because it's so curly, and loops around on itself so much, it tends to provide that sort of camouflage (remember no hair transplant tries to replace ALL the hairs on your head, just to give you the appearance of a full head of hair). So that helps. Plus he's got a salt and pepper hair color, which is also beneficial in providing that kind of camouflage.



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