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Healing Expectatations from Transplant

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Hi All,



I am a 24 and 2/3rd of a year old male and have a receding hairline. I am a student and am looking into an operation with Dr. Konior in Chicago over winter break.


We are discussing placing about 1000 grafts to lower my hairline by somewhere between a quarter inch to a half an inch at the temples where the most receding has been done, and then comparatively less as we move further towards the middle of my hair line, in order to create a relatively even looking hairline.


Then he has recommended between 500 and 1000 grafts to thicken up the area behind those 1000 grafts, so were looking at a total of between 1500 and 2000 grafts.


I will have about 26 or 27 days to heal and be a hermit until I have to go back to school and reveal myself to the world. I am worried about the healing process and how I will look. I've been told there is a slight chance that pinkness could remain for as long as a year! This is not very comforting because I want to look relatively normal after a month. I certainly don't want anyone to know that I've had the operation!


I have relatively fair skin and I want to upload some pictures to see what you guys think about the operation and what my chances are of looking relatively normal after one month.


Thanks for all input in regards to healing and my expectations of wanting to look relatively normal after one month and even more so after 2 months.


Also, I typically wear my hair pretty flat so I should be able to cover it up with some effectiveness. If it's too noticeable I'm making up an excuse about an allergic reaction, lol.




- Restoration 87







Edited by Restoration87
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Most people have pinkness for the first few weeks, but it dissipates over time. People can have pinkness for up to a year but that's the exception not the rule. The pinkness is not very noticeable it reminds me of a sunburn. If it's pink you can use some cosmetics such as foundation on that area and it should take care of it. Also using 1% hydrocortizone cream after the scabs fall off can help the healing process and lessen the pinkness.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I had pinkness, actually still have a little 2 months out. Fair-skinned people have more of a problem with it, and you seem to not be fair skinned. I also did, the couple of times where I had to go out without a hat, use the foundation (liquid with SPF) that Thehairupthere recommended.

Lasly, is it possible to come your hair forward a little at those receeding points to cover it up? I also do that now and it covers all pinkness that is left.

Dr, Konior can also give you good advice, as i'm sure you know, he is a great HT doctor.

Good luck with the procedure man.

My Hair Loss Web Site


FUT - 8/12/11 - Dr. Keller - Chicago - 3140 grafts

365 singles, 375 doubles, & 2400 multiple hair grafts


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a professional within the hair transplant field, but I am one hell of a researcher and have been dubbed "master googler" by people that know me. So, anything I say is solely my best opinion or answer based on everything I have read and/or experienced. :)

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Does anyone else have any stories to share or pictures to show in regards to pinkness and shock loss, especially one month out?


I am really just trying to get a good feel for what I can expect one month after the surgery. I am being told that if I'm not prepared to handle the realities of pinkness and shock loss then I shouldn't have the operation done, and I agree, which is why I'm trying to seek out this information, but I find it can be difficult to find!


If I get this operation done soon it will be this winter, otherwise I can wait until next winter or the winter after that. On the one hand I want to do it early so I can have it done with and move on, but on the other hand it may be more worthwhile to wait so I can gather more information.


Thanks for your input.



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Did you read my reply? You can check out my album at two months out, but again, you have a darker complexion, so the pinkness shouldn't last as long or be as noticeable. You are not having that extensive of work done, like i mentioned, just grow your hair out a little in front and comb it more forward over it. And foundation...done. No big deal.

As far as shock loss goes...again, you aren't going to have that much of a possibility of that, unless he does a lot of work inbetween the hairs you already have, not just the front.

My Hair Loss Web Site


FUT - 8/12/11 - Dr. Keller - Chicago - 3140 grafts

365 singles, 375 doubles, & 2400 multiple hair grafts


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a professional within the hair transplant field, but I am one hell of a researcher and have been dubbed "master googler" by people that know me. So, anything I say is solely my best opinion or answer based on everything I have read and/or experienced. :)

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I apologize for the delay in responding but I just took a look at your pics. They are looking good after only two months! I don't have pre-op pictures to compare them to, but it is good to see everything looking healthy and normal. Congratulations on everything thus far and I hope everything works out for the best.


I am definitely gaining confidence in my ability to take on the risk of pinkness/shock loss. I cover up my hair line daily anyway, so it's not like there would be a big change!


Thanks for your help and I look forward to continuing to talk with you.



- Noah

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