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A dream to become True (Replicel)


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I concur, it's going to be a long time before we can just think about ditiching drugs and transplants and get straight in with the stem cell therapy.


I have high hopes that within the next 5 years there may be one or two extra treatments on the market to help in the fight against hairloss, but that one-shot magic bullet isn't going to happen. As somebody else said; science is slow, it just doesn't work like that.


Over the next 5-10 years I am confident we will see extra treatments come to life that will be able to improve and enhance what we can already do, but they will still have to work with what we currently have on offer. Hair transplants are not going to disappear overnight and I reckon you'll still need a transplant for the next 10, 20 or 30 years if you want to keep hair. You might be able to beef that transplant up with some extra therapy and perhaps get an extra 10-15% of bulk or something, but that's about the best we can hope for probably, at least within the next 5-10 years.


There are no revolutions in science because things take time and have to go through such rigorous development and testing. The future is bright and the options on the horizon are better than ever, but think baby steps. We can already turn even a full Norwood VI case into a success these days in some patients, and I think the next modest goal is to make it possible for the majority of patients to be able to get good coverage and good density from say Norwood III-VI. But that still won't equal 100% density - we'll be lucky if it means only 50-60% density most likely.


The "cure" is a long way off, but progress is happening all around us. I expect we'll see some interesting stuff turn up by 2016/17, but don't wait for it. Do something now and, if you're lucky, you'll be able to follow it up with something else in the next few years.

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