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Dr. Keene patient after 2661 grafts, before and about 1 year after

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  • Senior Member

This 31 year old patient wanted to bring down his hair line and augment the density in his crown. Dr. Keene filled in with about 1800+ in the front and 700+ in crown. Here is the graft breakdown

1s) 320

2s) 1179

3s) 804

4s) 358

Total 2661 grafts

Total hairs 6522











I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Hi Taking the Plunge,


Dr. Keene did recommend that he take Finasteride to stabilize his existing hair, and he did so for some time. Then recently, he decided to stop for a few months. He has decided to start taking it again because he did notice that he was starting to lose more hair again aside from the transplanted hair. He just didn't like the idea of taking medication, but he has not had side effects aside from saving his hair, so decided to go back on it.

I am a medical assistant and hair transplant surgical assistant employed by Dr. Keene


Dr. Keene is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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